Boosting is literally Pay to win

Guess I need to double down on being a jerk, too many people being nice apparently

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Since I’m already 60 I won?


What did we all want classic for? for the original experience as close as they could get.

If you wanted a hand-held ride, play the retail game that offers boosts, microtransactions- all of the same worlds such as Outlands are available with questlines etc…

i dont have anywhere near the time to play as I did at launch of classic, and even I still understand the initial values that the whole ‘CLASSIC’ thing is trying to preserve… the players knew the game was a lil grindy and hardcore at the beginning, now everyone suddenly soft and weak and really folding…

The community voice got us here, got us Classic and all of the wonderful memories… a collective middle finger can get us the desired result, cause honestly IT IS BS…

and the cherry on top ‘if you have an existing 60- you can boost an alt’ if the whole premise of the boost is so players without time can play with their friends-- those players dont have a existing 60… /logic its literally a moneygrab


It is part of the game but not part of the game I’m interested in! :grin: I’m only interested in the new tbc specific content. Why would I play another game when blizzard agrees that I should get to start with tbc?

Out of curiosity…you playing that human in TBC? Because I’m pretty sure TBC didn’t add humans. Humans came from ‘that other game’, so they really have no place in TBC.

If you only want TBC content, guess you’ll have to reroll Draenei or Blood Elf.

Of course that’s tricky too, since those races start at level 1 and you can’t boost them. Not sure how you’ll level high enough to get to Outland. It’s a pickle.

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I love how creative some of these troll posts can get! :rofl:

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So then you’re not playing that human? I must have missed the answer.

Anyone against boosts are short sighted fools. This feature gets players back into the game and ON THE CURRENT CONTENT.

I don’t want people leveling old content, I want them in outlands ASAP so they’ll be questing with me, and doing dungeons with me, and doing heroics with me, and raiding with me.


this has now became a culture problem. we have given too many participating trophies and the OP needs one. He’s tired of always coming in last, and has to try to alter the rules now so that hes not THAT far behind!

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But I do. I deny that a level 58 character boost is a pay-to-win function.


That won’t happen. The new races are coming out with pre patch. Trust the scum Lord.

Do you know what pay to win means at all?

It means those who buy items are the only ones who can compete at the top, cryptic mmos do this, but blizzard does not, 58 does not let you compete at the top, you still have work to do to get to the top, they aren’t selling tier 7 with a level requirement of 70 and ilvl213 for money, they are selling level 58, you still have 12 levels to make, you still have to farm the gear and rep, you still have to buy riding and level professions. This is not pay to win at all, by no gaming standard is it pay to win and no matter how long you stomp your feet it doesn’t change the definition of pay to win.


Man… And I thought Ratlord was bad.


the suggestion that boosting to level 58 in crap gear is somehow p2w is very flawed.

they have no power gain over even a freshly leveled 58 or 60 even that has played like any time in classic vanilla is non existant.

there is no winning here in terms of power.

the only thing the boost is for is to bypass leveling in whats considered not current content .

the only winning here is avoiding like 3 maybe 4 days played time with the xp nerf in the pre patch.

that applies to new people to the classic tbc and even old salty players with like 6 lvl 60s and lacking the will to level that 7th toon (gonna do a pally for the luls) .

how is it pay to win when you gain no power over what other people can earn easily in 3-4days.


stop! that makes too much sense!!! my poor eyes!!! /s


Wait, you’re saying the human playable race was added with TBC? I don’t think that’s accurate.

I’m not a fan of boosting but how does paying money for a level 58 character with crappy gear that could get decimated by anyone on a pvp server “winning”?

It’s pay to save 48-72 hours of time. Yeah there are problems with that, but for people using the service for its intended purpose will have little impact on the classic community. The biggest concern, rightfully so, is how it will impact botting.

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This is an MMO…there is no “Win” thus your argument, “Boosting is literally pay to win” is moot.

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I don’t think he’s playing with a full deck. In fact, I think he has a 3 of diamonds, and that’s it.

The overall impact is negliable. Others have ran the numbers and it is not very cost effective. Maybe, just maybe, if the botters are doing eveything perfectly optimized and Blizzard ups the rate at which they ban accounts, there is a ~16% improvment to return on investment vs. leveling.

It will have no impact on the number of bots there are however, just a marginal decrease in the time it takes to get back up to full speed after a ban wave.