Boosting is literally Pay to win

I’m sure people define p2w differently. If you look at it from the perspective that mmos are about time investment, then swiping a credit card to skip a big chunk of the game would certainly be considered p2w.

And yet, this swiping of the card doesn’t put you ahead, or even at the current average if players. It puts you behind the average, just not as far behind. So you can start at the new content.

Lvl 58 with trash gear and 60% mount. Vs a lvl 60 in raid gear 100% speed mount.

Behind the curve, just not as far behind. That’s what the boost does.

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Only if that time skip can’t be easily made up. Which given the current numbers of 58+'s makes it seem like it’s hardly some major hurdle that is insurmountable for the average player.

Pay to win used to mean buying in game advantages with real money.

If this is still the case, lvl 58s have massive in game advantages over lvl 1s.

The only way one could argue against level 58 boost being pay to win is if the meaning of pay to win was changed.

The only advantage you have is time, you’re not better off than the 58s that didn’t skipped. You’re not “winning” anything, you don’t have an unfair advantage over any other character.

This smokescreen of “think of the poor widdle level ones on PVP servers” is just sad.

PVP server or not, if someone wants to go troll lowbies or farm resources they don’t need a boost to do it.

stop reaching, whos the hell is gonna pay 60 dollars for 10g?

The reason why we have things like dictionaries is to keep clowns from making up stupid things to fit their narrow view of things.

Good. We can agree that paying for a boost is paying for an ingame time advantage.

How big of an ingame advantage is debatable.

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I guess how big of a time advantage depends how many times a person uses the boosts.

Heres a google definition of pay to win,

“PTW is used in gaming with the meaning “Pay to Win” to refer to games that allow players to purchase items or abilities (e.g., more powerful weapons, additional health points) that give them an advantage in the game, either over other players or NPCs (Non-Player Characters).”

Saving time isnt an advantage. There is no “beating” WOW.

Whats going on is people perceive being “first” as “winning”, its not.


Sadly, it’s not even being first, the boost doesn’t even put you at the AVERAGE level of people’s main character that played classic. Nor the average mount speed. Nor the average gold amount.

Heck I just spent 600g on 300+ major mana potions to prep for tbc leveling (no drinking water for me lol, just chugging pots) boosters won’t have that advantage either, the boost doesn’t give them prepared consumables to be able plow through leveling. And if I don’t use then all I can use them for raiding, because as SV hunter that will be duel Wielding and making my own mana oils (have mats saved up for 200+ of these as well, just saving so I can get enchanting some easy levels in tbc) I won’t need the bigger mana potions. I don’t even know if I’ll need the ones I have considering I plan on being a bit lazy and just sitting in AotViper for raids.

But hay, the boosting is paying to win crowd seem to think the boost will put people ahead of those who did even 10% of the prep work I did somehow… lol.

Also, it is nice to find something we agree on instead of arguing AV to the death lol.

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Time is a valuable currency in an MMO, I agree. But a one-time (non-transferable) paid boost is a catch-up mechanism that won’t have much impact to the game, other than to bring in a bunch of players and maintain healthy realm populations. From the looks of what I’ve seen on this forum, most boosters are planning on leveling alts anyway (belf/draenei/whatever).

The vast majority of people play on only one account, so there’s literally no advantage here. It’s as if these people already existed on Classic realms that just naturally transitioned to TBC. Except they have crappy gear, a laughably slow mount, no professions, and hardly any gold. They can’t compete with the fully raid-geared level 60’s. And, once you use that one-time boost, it’s done. No reversing course, so people will have to choose wisely.

Nah, you don’t get to weasel into claiming this as a gotcha, a Boost to level 58 is explicitly a time saver, no one has ever claimed otherwise.

A time saver and pay to win are two completely different things.


I would say they are similar. Both involve paying irl for an advantage in a game.

Im just trying to get the meaning straight and use the proper terminology. “Timesaver” services. “PaytoAdvantage” or “PaytoAdvance” would be a better description.

Not really an advantage in this sense.

The whole argument for you lot is “the boost has an advantage over a level 1”.

That argument might hold weight if these were new servers, but they arent, there is already level 60s who are full t3 and naxx geared.

People arent starting at level 1 anymore, these servers have been out for 2 years, they arent fresh servers…

The only toons that HAVE to be level 1 is the new races, and you CANT boost them, so there goes that argument.

This is a CATCH UP, not an “advantage”, youre literally paying to still be behind.

Think of it as buying an xpac, but instead youre buying the level to start the xpac that youre getting for FREE.


If you use the boost you don’t have an advantage over other level 58s who didn’t use the Boost, you certainly don’t have an advantage over higher level character.

Faux-panic about level 1s is just an attempt at a diversion rather than a legit issue.

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Ok so lvl 1 vs lvl 58 comparisons are off limits.
So how about a person with one level 60 and no paid lvl 58 boosts vs a person with one lvl 60 and 5 paid boosts. What do we call this.
Is this advantage big enough to call “paytowin.”
Or still “paytoskip”


What do you think the boosts are?

O i was told you could get 1 boost per account. Did they change that. I apologize if i havent kept up with the blue posts

A level 71 boost is paytowin because you cant get there normally playing the game. We can agree on this i bet.

A lvl 68 or 70 boost is just paytoskip. We can agree on this part as well im sure.

I’m advocating for a lvl 68 (70 would be better but thats just greedy) skip myself and am glad to know it’s not paytowin. I would have assumed it was but it’s nice to be proven wrong in this case.