Boosting is literally Pay to win

Actually, I try not to assume what people mean. It’s really on them to clearly communicate what they mean. Intention has nothing to do with this, and for what it’s worth, I have no intentions of malice here, either. If you’re going to try to prove something, you need facts, and they need to align with what you’re trying to prove. Things are true, or they’re false. Misleading or lying would be the terms I’d use if I were assuming intention.

Far too much of this debate has been levied on assumptions, conjecture, paranoia and emotion.

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People have had 15yrs on Pservers to find the most efficient gold farms and ways to manipulate the economy. They’re going to do it in CTBC just like they did in Classic. It’ll just take a few more weeks on fresh servers.

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I agree. But I don’t believe that means Blizzard shouldn’t at least attempt to stabilize the economy of their game and help reduce a player’s temptation to buy from bots/gold sellers in a meta that demands players have thousands and thousands of gold. You mentioned that you wanted as close to an authentic experience as possible, and I think the economy plays a pretty big role in that.

But you’re saying it’s its own thing, so we shouldn’t include anything obtained from classic vanilla and just have everybody start fresh.

No offense taken, you definitely shouldn’t be taking me seriously.


Bruh i don’t disagree, but ppl buying gold left and right. The game is already pay 2 win

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I gave up on that dream when I watched the player base turn LFG into the New York Stock Exchange. It’s a capitalist’s wet dream.

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I gave up that dream when the wbuff meta really took hold, and lfg became “selling summons to isle/dmt/your moms house for dinner pst”

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Actually, that is exactly what you “anti boosters” are doing by defending the dungeon boosts. Everyone knows what most of the bought gold goes to but they try to separate the two as though that fools anyone. At this point I just assume anyone who is rabidly against the single paid boost to not even max level that Blizzard is offering is either a gold farmer/seller or a dungeon boost seller. Either way, your constant whining and disingenuous arguments mean nothing to me.

Point made. Wasn’t making the connection between fresh servers and TBC being separate. We’re on the same page now.


It’s not pay to win, it’s pay to boost. Boosting is already a thing in classic. The difference is, if Blizzard’s boost was like mage boosting, you could pay to be boosted all the way to 70. So Blizz’s boost is more like pay to get a mage boost to the half way mark, like paying a classic mage to boost you to level 30

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No no, fresh tbc servers. But I’m still just being unnecessarily facetious.

I get and understand your point, but in the end more damage has been done by the current meta/in and out knowledge of every possible thing about this game/gold farming/gdkp with gold selling and buying than boosting will ever do.

No matter what, unfortunately we just need to accept that we’re not going to experience tbc launch like we did back in the og launch. The community has warped beyond recognition and blizzard can only recreate the game, gameplay wise, so far to make it authentic. The community has and will bastardize it again.

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That’s why I still play retail too. When I need a break from that mess I can log on and not talk to a soul for months at a time and still experience all the content. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Watching the state of the game unfold has been pretty amusing and also sad.

Vanilla WoW can be a great experience assuming the integrity and spirit of the game is actually maintained and held to a standard.

I’d argue that both Blizzard and the community (but mostly the community) are responsible for the state of the game.

It makes me re-think those classic words “You think you do, but you don’t”. They were partly right in a sense. You want Classic WoW, but you don’t want to maintain the integrity and spirit of the game, so you’ll come up with your own systems to “modernize” it.

It was an interesting experiment to say the least. Still looking forward to TBC tho, hah.

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As am I, but I’m still concerned how far the community will go to break whatever they can… I was extremely excited for vanilla but yeah, community ruined it.

Found the dude that spent a couple paycheques on gold from some peer2peer market to buy mara/SM boosts so he could have gatherer mules and xmute alts.

Now he’s upset you might do the same for a fraction of the price:

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha haha ha ha h a.

I (actually) don’t agree with that, at all. There are players out there that will pass on said resources and instead help each other more than they do being jerks, to each other about it.

EDIT: I don’t play competitively, at all. Somebody wants the node, before me? They can have it! I’ll get the next one!

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I see people still dont know what the word “literally” means


Nah. They’re too hung up on p2w.

You mean they’ll get an experience like the original TBC launch? The only folks on Gorefiend that were in Wetlands and Desolace and STV while I was in Zangarmarsh were Blood Elves and Draenei trying to level up quickly, and no one else.

It won’t be any worse than it was the first time, and chances are a lot of folks will be doing it with them and there will be people that just want to flatly reroll to other things and not use a boost. If anything, this time around will leave Azeroth in a much better launch state than previously simply because there are so many more people playing than before.

Sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about.

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Absolutely brother. That is a good point. Don’t stop, don’t give up, speak up. PUT YOUR FIST UP FOR CORPORATE GREED!!!

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