Boosting is literally Pay to win

why yall still posting? thread was over long ago between the dude admitting how massive a time advantage it is and people would be “idiots” for not paying for it, and the other dude when he admitted it was p2w but that’s “fine.”



How is a 1-2 week time advantage massive in a game that will be played for months?

That is what 1-2 raid lockouts? So huge RNG there. Arena a non issue since that is performance based and calculated at the end.

Why are you assuming people who want the boost are

  1. rich?
  2. kids?
  3. Thieves?

Hmm, no I’m pretty sure the Classics exist because people wanted to replay the content when it was relevant again to relieve memories, not as some protest against the shop.

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lol, mutual benefit, everyone gets what they want between 2 parties, other parties like u just don’t understand. That’s how real world works mate

At the risk of sounding controversial to the forum topic or a nay-sayer I feel I should voice something… Something of an alternative.

The boost is happening. Sorry, but it is. The income potential is too great for Activision’s Blizzard to stable the idea of not putting boosts, and potentially other monetized features into the game further down the road.

The battle-lines are clearly drawn.

At this point if you are against the boost you might have an alternative, but it requires a heavy choice:
Subscribe to the notion of “fresh tbc servers” that offer no cash shop and no transfers/boosts
Submit to the current roll-out and accept that boosts are happening. Get over it. And have fun. Do your best to be magnanimous and get over the petty squabble with the people who will be boosting on your server to play there with you.

“But it is not fair!”
“I worked hard for my stuff etc…”

Please forgive me quoting myself on this one but I believe the post is relevant here.

How do I win wow? Tell me

You can make that on any toon if you know what and where to farm. Wanna seek justice look at Rogues in BRD farming for this new lazy generation, or you can stop being a pleb, make some friends, and go tackle the content. Do not worry what others do. You do you.

PvP against someone and kill them. If you only killed them because you paid for something with real life money (such as paying for gold from bots or 58 boosts), then it’s p2w. Really simple.

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You already pay to play.
If you win, you already paid. To win.

So by this logic if I’ve paid for my sub for two months and I gank someone in pvp who just started I have paid to win because I paid more money.


You’re really not that smart eh? Lmao.

I think you should look at your own thoughts before pointing your fingers to someone else.

u m4d bru?

I agree with you and have had this conversation, so much. That “winning” is being turned into an “advantage”. And, that paying for an “advantage” is “pay to win” :roll_eyes:

It’s like, NO! Now, I have my own gripes against the 58 Level Boost Feature. But, I (personally) don’t categorize it as “pay to win”. In fact, I think those who’ve leveled prior have MORE “advantages” because they have a 100% Ground Speed Mount, Professions at 300 and (quite possibly) more gold than the character that is boosted. We still don’t know how much gold the 58 boosted character will receive, but I doubt it’s more than any of us have hoarded.

what? that was my first post on this thread, what posts did i move? I just put the goalpost up!

It’s paying for a high powered class that you didn’t work hard to earn. And no your day job doesn’t qualify you as having earned it.

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Implying all p2w is equally horrendous

It’s not

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This is it to a T. Maybe it’s not “so” bad but that doesn’t mean it should be in the game.

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Fair and I’d be fine if it wasn’t in the game.

But nonetheless it looks like it is going to be in the game and I’ll probably buy one. And since it looks like there’s enough people willing to buy it, I don’t think Blizz is going to change their minds. No harm in trying, but it may be time to vote with your wallet.