Boomer take inc

Is that what I said? Is that what I responded to?

Yes, you responded to me saying it was fine to do more frequent tuning because it is a very dedicated and committed player base.

I dunno… I remember getting tilted in mop after facing like 10-12 God comps in a row one que session… I think it goes further back than SL.

Fair. Opinions are opinions. I disagree with some of the problems/solutions a tiny bit, but mostly agree. Can definitely agree that Fotm rerollers are annoying.

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I don’t think this take is a bad one by any means, however it will do a big ole’ fast zero to alleviate any of the rerolling issues that you addressed.

I think of all of the issues WoW has or has had, game accessibility was always the biggest one. Blizzard has done an incredible job in the last 4 years from BFA to now making is playable. The game being accessible and people rerolling, is way better than no one rerolling and the game being impossible to play. I think you’d agree.

It’s a sad reality that definitely sucks but its just the late stage that we’re in with the internet. This isn’t just WoW, it’s literally everything. No one can do anything anymore without getting permission from the pros as to whatever their version of “meta” is.

I’m not even sure it’s entirely blizzards fault. With the exception of a few outliers (like ret 10.0.7, obsidian Aug), a lot of specs were really really playable in dragonflight. Just because most people are playing one comp doesn’t mean other comps aren’t perfectly viable.

I will say that I think the concept of Meta is made worse than it actually is simply because playing against the same thing over and over again gets really boring really fast. I would argue that you could take a really bad comp, say, Frost DK fire mage, something really obscure, and if you faced that comp 3/4 games you’d grow tired of it REALLY quickly. Regardless of how good or bad it was.

TLDR: I think balance doesn’t affect meta. People play what they’re told to play and it’s annoying, not because it’s better than everything else (though it often is), but because lack of comp diversity makes playing the game get really boring really fast.

So basically like the elite sets are now.

everything living takes the path of least resistance

Please explain how losing 50-75% of the player base that wouldn’t re roll and just quit if re rolling wasn’t an option would be better for PvP and the Arena game and the people left playing.

Season 3 DF is what that looks like. One of the worst seasons in a long time in an otherwise surprisingly good pvp expac.

Were we…not able to reroll then?


I don’t think you’re entirely wrong but I think you underestimate the 10k+ people from 2000-2399 rerolling to assa/splay/boomy that genuinely think they can get it

And when only 40k people are on the ladder to begin with that’s affecting a lot more than the 1%

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Dont blame people for rerolling, blame blizzard for not balancing pvp.

People reroll not because stuff is 5% better, they reroll because specs are like 20-30% better. I remember ret pally when it was reworked, it was basically doing the damage of 2 classes.

I’ll blame who I want tyvm!

This is not the reality.

People reroll because the easier to play specs are substantially stronger in every way than the specs that are more fun mechanically.

Why would you play outlaw if assa or sub is better? It’s just simply harder to pilot mechanically and the win cons are substantially different/harder to reach.

People reroll for simplicity. No one toughs it out. Yeah, balancing is a factor to this, but back in the day people played their mains through better or worse because it was their main. Not their alt they leveled last week.

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Fried take. Blizzard intentionally has lapses of balancing to encourage fotm rerolls and purchases of character boosts as well as wow tokens for carries to catch up on hearing.

Blizzard benefits from their terrible balance. Why would they start doing things right?

People can get every reward except glad mount from the other brackets (which most won’t, so they won’t even try) and they have different metas. Now we will have bg blitz, shuffle, 3s, 2s and all will probably have slightly different metas. Hunters and rets are insane in shuffle but way less oppressive in 3’s.

I like semi-frequent balance changes to shake up stale metas. Perfect balance is a pipe dream.

Yeah, it sucks. I’m going to play my Priest regardless, but I may have to level something else to actually push with depending on how tuning goes.

It would be less felt to occasionally run into MW mains (or whatever) who hit the tuning lottery once in a while, instead of a sea of rerollers who make playing your main in a bad tuning phase a genuine handicap.

I would love if Blizzard gave some sort of felt incentive to stick with your main that was good enough to actually work, and took care not to have anything worse than A tier to further reduce people’s tendancy to swap every few weeks.


Holdup. Boomy was broken all of dragonflight, but no one rerolled the boomy the way they did any of the other classes because it dies and is entirely reliant on cyclone.

I really think it comes down to just making the meta fast. When you make good plays or punish mistakes, someone should die, not live at 15% and repeat that process until someone ooms.


And? I will still blame blizzard for not balancing? Your point??? Your point is my point

When I am unsuspended I think I will make a Druid - Disc will never be good again. I stuck to rogue and disc for 20 years I’m over blizzard time to embrace FOTM.

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I think class/spec specific rewards for the achievements that are supposed to demonstrate proficiency are definitely better. They already have this mentality with mage tower armor sets, and tbh I think the mage tower achievement design overall is one of the best in modern WoW: some reward for mastery of a class, umbrella reward for mastery of multiple classes.

As for the reason fotm rerolling is so popular: aside from the obvious reasons like ease, I think another factor is the smaller gap between novice/master at a class these days. For comparison you can just look at a game like wc3, where you can play whatever you want. Most people still have a main because of what it takes to master a single race (and relatively better balance).