Boomer take inc

Not something any developer can fix. There will always be a mathematically best spec, and most people will flock to it because its the easiest way to win. All developers can do is tweak numbers to have the overtly most overpowered spec to cause people to reroll (=$$ from boosts)

This is not true, there’s no total ordering on power of specs in any game where counters exist

Just curious what does disc counter?

No one cares man, just reroll and stop whining about it.

Don’t you have a swole to keep away from your wife. Also never heard a single logical argument against anything I have ever said about disc ever.

Look man we get it, you’re on the verge of another mental breakdown because disc isn’t “playable” even though disc is getting a r1 title. Take a break man.

No I’m pounding the table till disc has a stun, undispellable MG, and mobility.

Less so than the other specs and less so to glad range yes I agree but I 100% was fighting boomy rerolls

I don’t think any wow spec is hard until you’re past 2100

Non purge comps