Boomer take inc

Ya, it’s a hard balance. The tough part is that players literally asked for this when they wanted things unpruned. I do think that instant CC should be reduced, though.

Nah, I get what you’re saying. Like assassin rogue being able to aoe silence x2 into a stun into a dr kidney with blind and gouge off XD


Exactly! Like man I wanna log off lol.

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Bro when my pet gets garrote silenced and I can’t ros/freedom I enrage…

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Not even a targetted thing either. Just cleaved… it’d be different if they did it intentionally as a pro gamer movr.


Facts. I didn’t even bother pushing anything seriously in 3s this season.

Tried to run some KFC on the weekends to get my buddy his first title on hpriest. Hit 2400. Qed into Splay and Aff/Sin 50x. Realized it’s summer time and just opted to play golf instead.

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What’s lame is the tuning trends that make re rolling so attractive to the community.

This isn’t a community issue. It’s a design/implementation issue. We’re in Open Beta for the first 2-2 1/2 patches of a given expac at this point. Personally I like having 3 classes that I play far more than just one and I find that I’m better at the game because of it.

I have nothing but respect for people that won’t play a dog in pvp just on the notion that you should be ‘locked into’ a main. I suspect the pvp community hates this because people not playing classes that allow for nearly free rating for the other team b/c tuned like garbage or nerfed into the ground. It’s harder to take wins off reasonably skilled players who roll meta vs reasonably skilled players on a garbage spec.

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The community decides to reroll because,

It’s as much a community issue as it is a game development issue.


Not wanting to drive a Chevette in a F1 race isn’t quite this. Which is why

is false. We don’t decide tuning/mechanics. The funny thing about this is you’re looking at players solving an issue as a bad thing, which tells me that my statement about players being pissed about not getting free wins off dumpster specs hit a nerve with you. I say that because you didn’t say something to the effect of ‘we shouldn’t have to even think we should have to re roll.’

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Yeah. I just LFG now for glad and help people get titles/achieves, but this was the hardest season by far to try and help anyone because you’d just Q into assa+aff+rdruid or Rdruid splay and nothing can die :confused: TBH, I’m sure that strongly contributed to boosting as well, because you can just roll a class that won’t die easily and get free glad by PVEing suboptimally :confused:


The amount of mental gymnastics required to get to this conclusion is wild. Enter the Olympics bud, it’s your true calling.

This has almost certainly contributed to the influx of DH boosts between this season and last

Paris starts in 3 days it’s not too late!!


Yeah, just queue into the wall of overtuned nonsense. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Ya, DH, Lock, SP, DK, Assa, and Rdruid were almost the entirety of boosts. They just Qd with an Rdruid and some combination of assa+warlock.

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I felt like every boost team was just boomy/rdruid with some other third usually assas or dh.

Honestly it’s been like this for a lot longer than this expansion… But definitely has gotten worse over time. I think it’s just a shift in mentality. It’s why MMOs in general aren’t as popular as they used to be.

I don’t think making leveling and gearing harder is healthy for the game. You want people to be able to come back and play anytime they quit or the population will just die.

I do agree that account wide stuff is stupid. Just easier to get your glad mount on whatever’s most op/easy to play. I also miss % based cut offs…

Still even if you made gearing/leveling harder and made stuff not account wide, I think fotm rerolling would be way more prevelant than it was back in the day. I agree it’s dumb but I don’t really think there’s a world where we can go back.

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  • we pay a monthly fee
  • they could balance more often / better


stop letting these game devs get by with the very minimal


Too much balancing leads to normalization and a poor understanding of what the classes do is the fear.

Jokes on them, everyone who actually ques is an addict and playing constantly. We are fine with it.

This is true, its been like this since SL (for arena players) when you could fotm reroll for mount and ride it on your main but it wasn’t as common because of how hard/long it was to gear alts then. I just think i’d rather the gearing be easier and glad be made something like class wide to balance it.

Maybe but I don’t think I agree, regardless the thread is titled as such for a reason.

Kind of a fried take, tbh. Yeah people are addicted and play constantly, but everyone has their breaking point. Which is probably why arena is down to like 25,000 players.

People most certainly do quit, whether they’re addicted or not.

You think that they should not do more tuning?