Boomer take inc

The reroll to the meta mentality has gotten out of hand and it has been severely felt this expansion, to the point that the correct choice at the character select screen feels more impactful then putting in the work to be good at you’re preferred “main”. The game feels more MOBA then RPG.

What caused this, obviously humans are lame and will take the path of least resistance but the game isn’t innocent. Between things like leveling a toon from 0 to max level never being easier or faster, gearing a fresh max level toon never being easier or faster, and things being account wide (gladiator mounts).

Something has to give, here comes the boomer take, I personally hate leveling and don’t want gearing to be awful. As much as I know the game won’t go back on it’s decision, making the gladiator mount account wide was such an awful change and helped spearhead the fotm meta retoll mentality that plagues us. I would love to see exclusive things like the gladiator mount become class wide rather then account, meaning if I get glad on my main class (hunter) then all my hunters get it but my warrior or whatever other classes I have do not.

Boomer take, but just something I feel would help create the sense of loyalty to peoples main class/spec again which I personally miss.


Echoing the simple but effective words of the zoomer tribe -



The answer to this is more frequent tuning.

That doesn’t do anything for this issue, this expansion actually had some of the fastest tuning we have seen since legion.


you know i shelved my warrior for the first time in s4 and just played assa rogue but had the most fun randomly playing enhance at the end of the season.

weird season but also finally played some casters to duelist and even a healer.

i have no idea what this means but maybe they just need to give us guildwars style pvp where we can login and be max and play whatever moba-esque

I would hate that personally, I want the RPG. I like that people see this idiot male NE survival hunter and go “Oh it’s Cov doing something dumb again!”.


I genuinely miss when people had more skin in the game with their main character. I’ve rerolled once in twenty years and ended back with my hunter. It’s probably more of an issue with my personal gaming versatility, but I like people like Remi, Cov and Nas who are known for their respective mains.


Of course it does. Do you think we’d have even half the number of assa rerolls if, for example, their reign lasted one month before being modestly tuned down instead of the entire season? Assa rogue enjoyers would likely still do fine, subject to how much tuning received, while the ones that got their free rating would regress to where they belong.

We already have faster tuning in game.


i think we have different definitions of fast and frequent.

Probably, I’m saying this expansion has been the fastest and most frequent we have seen since Legion and very likely it’s not going to get better unfortunately. I agree in a perfect world it could be even better as you are saying though.

we hate amatox though dk players :sob::sob::sob:

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I don’t hate Amatox. I just think Partywaffles is so much cooler.


This is a huge point of conflict for me honestly. FOTM rerolling seems to be more of a symptom of the actual problem of specs becomming too homoginized and severe imbalancing.

You basically Q into the 2-3 same comps in any given season. Take the best MS class with the best caster and BOOM - S tier comp.

I have basically given up trying to play anything seriously that’s off-meta.

At the end of the day, you should have ease of access to try new classes and specs. However, the game needs to be relatively balanced for that type of environment to thrive.

Also going to add to the list of boomer takes… Why does the ladder only feel lively during degen hours? People have jobs and families man. Timezones exist but Qing after 11PM your time is just a complete degen status (unless you have irregular shifts).

Unemployment is so OP.


My man bringing the heat, str8 up said nerf unemployment.


Requiring proof of income and employment conformation for access to rated content would be the most insane change we’ve ever seen.


i will live and die by the way of the celestials

the warlocks will not take me

we will never be slaves


They always had it completely backwards with this change. Glad mount being character (or class) specific makes the reward more prestigious and encourages people to play more in a way that doesn’t actually feel horrible/annoying.


This got me fired up. I just did 50 burpees in the middle of a meeting while screaming “Lok’tar Ogar!!”. I got a meeting with HR soon, I think they’re impressed and I’m going to get promoted. Fingees crossed!


Did you pre-negotiate a severance package on the go?

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