Boomer take inc

Do they offer the Slime Cat mount as severance? Doors said I’m bad until I get it.

You’re right, this is a boomer take.

Pretty tame take all in all. Yeah mains is more interesting. Everyone multiclassing to protect from getting blindsided during tuning kinda lame.


Honestly don’t think the change to the mount would change anything if they implemented it. It would only impact a very small percentage of the player base anyways. There are constant rerolls all the way down the ladder. Legit lfg listings with 1k cr looking for a specific spec to play with… people will always take the path of least resistance (with the exception of a few people who are really loyal to their class). With the ridiculous surge in the number of content creators trying to make their name, nothing busted or OP flies under the radar for very long. With that comes the constant rerolling.

It wasn’t nearly as severe in BFA/SL, both worse expansions but more fun for me personally because I could play what I wanted for the most part and still achieve a little success.

I disclaimered for a reason, I’m fully aware times change I just feel this one isn’t for the better.

I disagree and past expansions are my point of reference, game had alot more variety when ppl knew they needed to play their main to get the rewards on it and that’s what I would like to have back.

I’m not 100% sure what timeframe you’re referring to tbh. I didn’t play during BFA and I’m not certain when the account wide mount became a thing. I feel like rerolling wasn’t as bad in SLands cuz the grind to get an alt up and running was real. It felt to me like the rerolling really became bad in DF with the ease of getting a new character going and there being such a large gap between god tier comps and A tier comps.

I do think it would help the psychology of the newer player to revert back to at least a class wide thing though. Having somebody roll into an 1800 game on a glad mount really upsets people for some reason and that wouldn’t happen any more when a glad player rolls an alt for kicks. I do see benefits, but it’s one of those “cat’s outta the bag” things at this point I feel.

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Good goal, but suggestion is a functional non-starter for blizzard. Exact opposite direction of warbands.

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There were what, 2000 glads or something? I don’t really think targeting that small percentage of the population is going to do much to dampen rerolls.

When have mains ever been a thing? Pretty sure people have always had the ability to play several classes. This was honestly word salad. My professor would give this an F.

It was somewhere beginning of SL if I remember correctly.

True, I just think making alts less accessible is taking too many steps backwards.

Oh yea, it’s a pipe dream probably but it’s worth talking about.

There were far more then 2000 people who got rewards by rerolling and trying to get the mount. Also, it’s not strictly about stopping people from playing different things, it’s more about keeping people playing their mains also due to wanting the reward on it which increases comp variety and makes the meta not as punishing.

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lmao what a boomer take

(ur right)

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I FEEL this in my bones, but I think it’s only been really bad this season.

I don’t think reverting gladiator fixes the problem either. I think the only real solution is speed up the game like in S1/S2 and the first half of S3.

I know that no one likes feeling like they died in a global, but there are different knobs to turn where every game shouldn’t be going into 5+ minute dampeners.

When the game is faster and everyone can punish a mistake or play to a win condition and win, EVERY spec is strong and viable. When we have damp metas like this, the best class becomes the ones that are the tankiest and can slow down the game as much as possible.

I played almost 150 games in the last 2 weeks of the season helping friends get titles and achievements and ~95% of those games were against splay or assa+aff with only a couple melee cleaves, one boomy+assa, and one sp+assa.

The game needs to play faster, or passive tankiness needs to go away from more specs.

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The length of games generally isn’t bad lately. It’s purely the inability to lose on certain specs.

Best we can do is a 60% stamina buff

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This is the biggest reason I haven’t played super seriously ever since I got my title. I like staying up late to game with the boys sometimes, but for it to be the only option is so frustrating. It really is just a community problem, but it sucks so much.


I watched a lot of end of season streams and have seen a LOT of really good plays by people where they should have won the game in my opinion but the kill target lived at 10% health or less and the game then dragged out for several more minutes. I can’t remember all of the changes that have happened over the last 6 months or so but every time that happened I just thought of how much better the games would be if they just toned down stamina enough to remove that last ~10-15%.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying about faster games giving the opportunity for players to shine on any spec, but the amount of specs with multiple instant cc abilities that are all on different DRs feel like this would just wreck any enjoyment in arena for so many people. There are so many situations where you get instantly cc’d on your trinket. Having people die as quickly as they did in SLands when you can just get incap, chastise, gouged, strang’d, etc the moment you press your trinket only to have your team mate die right away would be depressing. I’d be in favor of speeding the games up if they’d prune the number of cc’d they added to every talent tree for the sake of m+.

It was definitely worse this season, but I really felt it at the end of s1 as well.

Also I would love if the game was just faster, faster game covers up alot of issues.

I really don’t think game pace directly correlates to game length.

I don’t get this argument, the amount of time ppl spend in cc right now is less then it was in the past while the game was faster and it was far more enjoyable.

I’m not strictly talking about the total amount of time in cc. I’m talking about the different cc’s that are usable and instant. Dh is now able to stun multiple times, incap and fear. If they are suddenly deleting people during a single chaos nova because the game is sped up I can’t sit the first cc so I have trinket for the follow up. A well timed follow up on my trinket just ends the game. I get that’s the case already in many instances but the addition of all these different cc abilities through the general talent trees has given classes way more ability to cross cc on their own rather than needing actual coordination. Add in faster games and it just feels like it’d be a pain. I’d prefer we go back to longer cc from pre nerf but remove some of the additional cc abilities that classes have gained access to. Sub rogue having gouge for example. Annoying. Idk if that makes sense or if my explanation is trash lol.

We want the game pace faster then the current snail crawl, we don’t want ppl one tapping every game.

This one I do agree in a case by case.