Bonus Trading Post Tenders

After completing the Trading Post for January, 2024. I received the cosmetic item. But not any trading tenders. I disabled all my add-ons and reset my UI. I still couldn’t loot the chest. Thankfully, upon the weekly reset I was able to loot my 500 tenders for the end of the month.

However, I didn’t receive the bonus 500 that was a January 2024 special.

I’m not sure what else to do. Please, help.

The tenders are actually awarded from the achievement for completing the trading post for a full year. It was not specifically from the month of January.

Found the post:


Disabling wouldnt have fixed the issue if it was a corrupted ui you wouldve needed to either delete or rename the cache interface and wtf folders while logged outa game and launcher. Uninstalling the addons wouldnt work either.

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I got the transmog set related to the 1-year on Tuesday’s reset. So I should qualify.

According to the profile here it says you are 11/12. If you did all 12 months and got the transmog ensemble, I’d go make a post over on the Bug Report forums or in game then so it can get looked at.


Looking at the history on your account, Guiee. You appear to have received the monthly 500 tenders on 1/1.

You received the 500 tenders from the Traveler’s Log. 100 on 1/1, and the other 400 on 1/10.

You received the extra 500 on 1/17 from the Trading Post Enthusiast achievement.

In between all that I can see purchases made. Everything appears to add up.


What does your system show my total as? In game it’s 775.

I don’t think I received that 500 yesterday.

Are you able to post here or in an email all the January tender numbers?


  • On 1/1 at 16:22 UTC you received the monthly 500, bringing your total to 1225, you also received the first Traveler’s Log reward of 100, bringing your total to 1325.
  • 1/1 22:46 UTC You purchased the Dwarven Crown Splitter for 450, taking your total to 875, you then purchased the Ensemble Wastewander Tracker’s Kit for 850, taking your total to 25.
  • 1/10 at 1:57 UTC you received the next three Traveler’s Log rewards, bringing your total to 325.
  • 1/10 3:58 UTC you purchased the Sepia Treads of the Kalu’ak for 50 tenders taking you to 275.
  • 1/10 19:19 UTC you received the last Traveler’s Log reward, taking you to 375.
  • 1/12 1:53 UTC you purchased the Trabard of Wild Might for 100, taking your total to 275.
  • 1/17 00:43 UTC you received 500 tenders from the previously mentioned achievement, taking you to 775.

Shouldn’t this have gone from 275 to 775? It looks like I only gain 100 tender.

You did only gain 100 at that point.

There are five separate Traveler’s Log rewards. You had already retrieved the other four, as noted at 1/1 16:22, 1/10 1:57 (where you received three), and the last being 1/12 1:53.


The 500 you were expecting already been disbursed in 100 Tender increments as you completed parts of the Traveler’s Log (100 on 1/1 for completing 20% of the log along with the basis 500 and 400 on 1/10 (300 and 100 in two different transactions)).

You already received the entire 1000 for January by 1919Z 10-Jan-2024.


Thank you for clearing this up for me. I appreciate it.


Yeah, I see it now. Thank you.


Just wanted to post for future reference as it wasn’t mentioned in this thread. You can track all of your currency transactions from the Trading Post on your Transaction History in Account Management.

Once in your Transaction History click the tab labeled as Virtual Wallet and then select World of Warcraft. From there, You can see all of your Trading Post transactions!

Cheers! :smiley:


Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:

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No idea you could do that! Thanks for the info!!

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Wow, where has this information been all my (WoW-playing) life? Nice.

And also depressing, like balancing your checkbook to confirm your pitifully small balance 1 day after payday. :sob: :money_with_wings: