bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/26/2018 06:08 AMPosted by Muffindiving
No I think I got a pretty good picture.

again, you don't.

10/26/2018 06:08 AMPosted by Muffindiving
Okay just stop dude. If you're not going to take the effort to use the tools given to you and just throw a pity party because wins aren't handed to you on a silver platter there's nothing that can be done for you.

thats what i mean by "you don't" thats not the kind of player i am, though i will pick a side on an argument, even caricaturize certain arguments, i myself am pretty chill and take losses in stride. this is why you can't psychoanalyze people, not only do you only get what i choose to show you, but its twisted by your own perception of who you think i am.

10/26/2018 06:08 AMPosted by Muffindiving
You have made up your mind and you clearly don't want an actual solution to your problem.

i want a solution, just not your solution.

10/26/2018 06:08 AMPosted by Muffindiving
I suggest you unsub.

why is your response to anyone who disagrees with you to make them go away? this creates an echo chamber safespace that thins your skin to criticism, not good. and besides, less subs means less money for devs at blizzard, which means a lower quality game. is that what you want? for wow to get worse?
I wish they let us full 10 man queue for non rated bg's again! It was a blast! Oh and if you complain about not having healers you could always role one!
I guess my biggest question on this issue is why?

All group content in this game that is able to be done through a queue allows both solo and groups to queue.

Why should casual PvP be the exception?

10/26/2018 07:01 AMPosted by SassipĂ nts
I wish they let us full 10 man queue for non rated bg's again! It was a blast! Oh and if you complain about not having healers you could always role one!

Disagree. Full 10 mans have their place. I had fun running them way back when too, but casual PvP is better without that.
10/26/2018 06:47 AMPosted by Inemia
why is your response to anyone who disagrees with you to make them go away?


i want a solution, just not your solution.

If you're not happy with the tools and rules given to you by Blizzard then perhaps it's time for you to find a different video game.
All I want is a clear as day indicator of groups.
10/26/2018 07:51 AMPosted by Muffindiving
If you're not happy with the tools and rules given to you by Blizzard then perhaps it's time for you to find a different video game.

why? players can advocate for change, and im not even advocating for something that would really impact you. if we were all just happy with the status quo things would have never changed from vanilla.
10/26/2018 08:48 AMPosted by Inemia
10/26/2018 07:51 AMPosted by Muffindiving
If you're not happy with the tools and rules given to you by Blizzard then perhaps it's time for you to find a different video game.

why? players can advocate for change, and im not even advocating for something that would really impact you. if we were all just happy with the status quo things would have never changed from vanilla.
You want two separate random bg modes but think no one would be affected? Clearly you haven’t thought this through.
10/26/2018 08:48 AMPosted by Inemia
10/26/2018 07:51 AMPosted by Muffindiving
If you're not happy with the tools and rules given to you by Blizzard then perhaps it's time for you to find a different video game.

why? players can advocate for change, and im not even advocating for something that would really impact you. if we were all just happy with the status quo things would have never changed from vanilla.


You keep asking for a solo queue and I'll keep pvp'ing.
10/26/2018 08:49 AMPosted by Jugajr
You want two separate random bg modes but think no one would be affected? Clearly you haven’t thought this through.

i have, if the solo-queuers leaving randoms would affect the queuetime of premades drastically, that means a large chunk of players don't want to deal with premades, meaning they should be blocked in randoms entirely.

if the amount of solo-queuers is small, then it would have no affect on premades.

there is also the possibility that a few bgers will move, and then a bunch of people who don't pvp currently because of premades would also join in, increasing the size of the pvp community as a whole.
10/26/2018 09:10 AMPosted by Muffindiving

You keep asking for a solo queue and I'll keep pvp'ing.

okay buddy :)
10/26/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Inemia
there is also the possibility that a few bgers will move, and then a bunch of people who don't pvp currently because of premades would also join in, increasing the size of the pvp community as a whole.

You already hear about healer imbalances as it is. I don't experience them (90% have been exactly even for me)
10/26/2018 09:54 AMPosted by Jugajr
You already hear about healer imbalances as it is. I don't experience them (90% have been exactly even for me)

i see it pretty often actually, everything from 1 side having none and the other side having 2-3 but usually one side having 2 while the other has 3-4. people are also going to be more aware of a healer imbalance when they are losing because of it.

i mean, you could solve the issue other ways, ban heals entirely, or autofill healer spots with AI healers unless a player queues up. but you can't force healers to queue nor can you force DPS to reroll.

we've discussed this before, but i would like to see a solo-queue mode where players from both factions are mixed, it would allow for faster queuing and more balanced teams. so if 4 alliance healers queue and zero from horde queue, they get split evenly in the bg, 2 on the alliance team, and 2 on the horde team.
10/26/2018 10:26 AMPosted by Inemia
we've discussed this before, but i would like to see a solo-queue mode where players from both factions are mixed, it would allow for faster queuing and more balanced teams. so if 4 alliance healers queue and zero from horde queue, they get split evenly in the bg, 2 on the alliance team, and 2 on the horde team.

This is the only way something like this would work, and I'm a huge advocate for it (screw faction pride) but it's not likely to happen for years (if ever)
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"


None of your friends want to pvp with you? Maybe you just suck.
10/26/2018 10:52 AMPosted by Demoniclily
None of your friends want to pvp with you? Maybe you just suck.

thats gotta be it, i'll spin more flags next time.
10/25/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Inemia
you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team

Only the bad ones.
10/26/2018 10:52 AMPosted by Demoniclily
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia

hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"


None of your friends want to pvp with you? Maybe you just suck.

Hey now, I suck. My friends still want to play with me
10/26/2018 06:02 AMPosted by Tsataga
Well golly gee Ugly, that presents a quandary. Most of my “friends” are playing Alliance. If I stay Horde, I am contributing to the horrible faction imbalance. If I transfer to Alliance I’m helping that at the expense of being far more likely to group up, thereby turning into an irredeemable monstery monster. Quite the pickle I find myself in.

I've always enjoyed throwing a little gas on the fire with these threads but I know if there were more people in this game like you this would be a better place.
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept
10/26/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/26/2018 10:52 AMPosted by Demoniclily

None of your friends want to pvp with you? Maybe you just suck.

Hey now, I suck. My friends still want to play with me
