bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper
10/25/2018 05:03 AMPosted by Ellisanna
So you’re upset the community is coming together and working together.........go away silly Troll, this is what we WANT, not just a bunch of egotistical idgits running around farming HK’s instead of playing objectives!

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!

But then how would we get geared enough for rated, be forced to solo Q , because you don’t want to make PvP friends?
10/25/2018 07:59 PMPosted by Ellisanna
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!

But then how would we get geared enough for rated, be forced to solo Q , because you don’t want to make PvP friends?

I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga from time to time. My point is that I have been seeing full blown 10 man premades, come on FFS, that is what Rated is for.
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper
Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

So next time you ever quick join me (if you do) I'll remember to turn you down and take the next person who wants to be in a group with me for randoms. If I add someone as a 5th, no we're not gonna find 5 more. If I had a 6th who wanted to join, which doesn't usually happen, then maybe
The weekly rewards aren't really that big a deal. 100 CP sounds like a lot but it's like 2 war drop chest lootings. Just sit in the Great Seal, and if you hear a plane run out and have your glider ready. There's only a few places they will land.

If you're getting frustrated just take a break. BG Week can be a rough time. Everything goes all cattywompus.
10/25/2018 05:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
I haven’t had any issue solo queueing.

Have had some ridiculously fun and close games this week.

I’ve had 3 games (ToK, EotS, and BfG) all decided by 10 points or less, just since Tuesday.

Lost an AV with the boss at 7%

Good games this week.

Its easy to say its fun when your winning 75% of your games.
After some games send a /w to a healer or 2 and ask them if they are playing more games and ask to tag along to peel for them. After a day or a week you will have new friends to play with and heal you.
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper
10/25/2018 05:03 AMPosted by Ellisanna
So you’re upset the community is coming together and working together.........go away silly Troll, this is what we WANT, not just a bunch of egotistical idgits running around farming HK’s instead of playing objectives!

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!

Rated bgs arnt dead i done a few this week
10/25/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Kitanana
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!

Rated bgs arnt dead i done a few this week

People also claim to see full 10 man guild groups every day.... come on now. Thought Stryper was not afraid of 5 mans since running them with me, but I guess they turned into full blown guild groups lol
10/25/2018 11:54 PMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Kitanana
Rated bgs arnt dead i done a few this week

People also claim to see full 10 man guild groups every day.... come on now. Thought Stryper was not afraid of 5 mans since running them with me, but I guess they turned into full blown guild groups lol

10/25/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Stryper
I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga

Friends won't try to bully you into silence.
10/26/2018 12:48 AMPosted by Forums
10/25/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Stryper
I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga

Friends won't try to bully you into silence.

What ?
10/26/2018 12:48 AMPosted by Forums
10/25/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Stryper
I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga

Friends won't try to bully you into silence.

Friends also don't consider you deficient or retarded for having a different opinion or view on a subject.
10/25/2018 11:54 PMPosted by Jugajr
People also claim to see full 10 man guild groups every day.... come on now.

and you claim that groups only face groups all the time. It's somewhere in the middle.
10/25/2018 08:54 PMPosted by Unférth
10/25/2018 05:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
I haven’t had any issue solo queueing.

Have had some ridiculously fun and close games this week.

I’ve had 3 games (ToK, EotS, and BfG) all decided by 10 points or less, just since Tuesday.

Lost an AV with the boss at 7%

Good games this week.

Its easy to say its fun when your winning 75% of your games.

Except I don’t?
10/25/2018 09:35 PMPosted by Afks
After a day or a week you will have new friends to play with and heal you.

I think you mean acquaintance
10/26/2018 03:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
Except I don’t?

get better "friends"
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"

That is pretty much my experience when I ask guildies if they want to do some BGs. And is precisely why I have developed another small group of friends that I play with for BGs.

Here’s the thing,

The people I have a good time with, I get on my friends list. People like Corn (whom I find hilarious), or Tribbie (a pretty chill player like myself).

Other people that I have been grouped with from time to time don’t actually make it on my friends list. For example I have found myself in groups with Stryper (via other group members), I don’t have anything against him per se, but I don’t think either of us would seek the other out. Am I happy to see him in my BG over the majority of the randoms I come across betcha, but personality-wise I don’t think we add to each other’s enjoyment.

This whole Premaders vs Soloers arguments are pretty stale. I do both, and I don’t have a problem with either. I just find it hard to read many of these posts through all the bias, exaggeration, woe-is-me stories, entitlements, victim mentalities, personal attacks...the list goes on. The few insightful posts are few and far between (and pretty evenly balanced to either side of the argument really in my opinion).

TLDR - I’m mostly just spouting nonsense like everyone else in this thread.
10/26/2018 12:48 AMPosted by Forums
10/25/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Stryper
I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga

Friends won't try to bully you into silence.

How did you turn pointing out a double standard into bullying? I grouped with Jugaa one night and Stryper was in the group. It was a 5 man. He never suggested we find 5 more to do rated.
10/26/2018 04:03 AMPosted by Realugly
10/26/2018 03:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
Except I don’t?

get better "friends"

Well golly gee Ugly, that presents a quandary.

Most of my “friends” are playing Alliance. If I stay Horde, I am contributing to the horrible faction imbalance. If I transfer to Alliance I’m helping that at the expense of being far more likely to group up, thereby turning into an irredeemable monstery monster.

Quite the pickle I find myself in.
10/25/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Muffindiving
Starting to see why you don't have a lot of people to socialize with inside World of Warcraft.

no you aren't.

10/25/2018 01:31 PMPosted by Inemia
but more importantly, why aren't you following naming conventions for RP servers?

10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"


No I think I got a pretty good picture.


what if i want my friends list to have, you know, actual friends? if you just pointlessly add people blindly they aren't really friends and all you are doing is just a slow LFM pug, trade or gen chat is likely more effective.

Okay just stop dude. If you're not going to take the effort to use the tools given to you and just throw a pity party because wins aren't handed to you on a silver platter there's nothing that can be done for you.

You have made up your mind and you clearly don't want an actual solution to your problem.

I suggest you unsub.