bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/26/2018 02:51 PMPosted by Realugly
10/26/2018 06:02 AMPosted by Tsataga
Well golly gee Ugly, that presents a quandary. Most of my “friends” are playing Alliance. If I stay Horde, I am contributing to the horrible faction imbalance. If I transfer to Alliance I’m helping that at the expense of being far more likely to group up, thereby turning into an irredeemable monstery monster. Quite the pickle I find myself in.

I've always enjoyed throwing a little gas on the fire with these threads but I know if there were more people in this game like you this would be a better place.
Awww shucks Ugly, you’re making me blush.

Love you too. Now off to murderize some cartoon humans.

10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.
10/25/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper
Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

So next time you ever quick join me (if you do) I'll remember to turn you down and take the next person who wants to be in a group with me for randoms. If I add someone as a 5th, no we're not gonna find 5 more. If I had a 6th who wanted to join, which doesn't usually happen, then maybe

Your loss
There's a setting for premade BGs, it's called "rated."

Premade should always be set to rated by default.
10/25/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Kitanana
10/25/2018 07:18 PMPosted by Stryper

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!

Rated bgs arnt dead i done a few this week

For me they are, was lucky today and last night to win two right away, but at least for me it is hard to get on a team. Last week took quite awhile to get on a team and lost 3 straight.
10/26/2018 12:48 AMPosted by Forums
10/25/2018 08:06 PMPosted by Stryper
I have friends as a matter of fact I queue with Kitanna and Juga

Friends won't try to bully you into silence.

Nah, they are nice ladies. As a matter of fact Jugaa and I have often debated before, just difference of opinions is all.

With that said Jugaa, I never claimed to see full 10 man premades on a daily basis. Simply said that on Wednesday I ran into 5 of them in a row. Humiliating thing is one of them was my ex-guild from Bleeding Hollow, Iron Wolf Clan. That one really hurt----the emotes were endless.
10/26/2018 07:01 AMPosted by Sassipànts
I wish they let us full 10 man queue for non rated bg's again! It was a blast! Oh and if you complain about not having healers you could always role one!
10/26/2018 07:13 PMPosted by Torrasque
There's a setting for premade BGs, it's called "rated."

Premade should always be set to rated by default.

Theres a setting for single players called "RPGS"

Single players should always be in RPGs if they cant handle playing a MMO.
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.
10/26/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Jadei
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.

Because they are lazy and dont want fun for others they need a scapegoat to blame so it makes them feel better. So they put the blame on "premades" without realising they are being hypocritical. If they use the tools blizz gave them they would be a premade themselves and heaven forbid that.

We have seen it all the time I even go as far as to be nice and ask them if they want to group with me i type out my btag. They all refuse eachtime. So I dont get the blaming when they wont join me and see for themselves ive been telling the truth.

I post pics they get dismissed ALL THE TIME . I offer to play with them they all DECLINE .

The problem is their own fault at this point. Its just an echo chamber now . Blizzard likes people grouping for content so it wont ever change . So theyll still be here demanding for solo Q meanwhile i can solo Q right now or group . Its not hard.

Infact im solo q rn as we speak .
10/26/2018 07:13 PMPosted by Stryper
10/25/2018 11:49 PMPosted by Kitanana
Rated bgs arnt dead i done a few this week

For me they are, was lucky today and last night to win two right away, but at least for me it is hard to get on a team. Last week took quite awhile to get on a team and lost 3 straight.

Nice ! I been taking a break i might do more tomarrow not sure been trying to practice my warr and gear her.
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

Umm premaders are the ones that only want to play with their "friends" and not the massive multiplayers that are online.

Also if they don't belong why would you be against them separating the ques?
10/27/2018 02:40 AMPosted by Realugly
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

Umm your the one that only wants to play with just your "friends" and not the massive multiplayers that are online. Solo q's aren't that asocial.

Audacity ,excuseee meeee buddy dont even go there i solo q myself aswell at times when friends are offline . I dont sit here and whine about grouping being "unfair" .

Its a simple concept if you keep wanting to only play solo go play rpgs. Like blizz will not ever implement a seprate system .
They can barley fix stuff as it is and you guys are expecting unicorns and pigs that fly .
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

Yet WoW has a ton of content for casual, solo players.
10/27/2018 02:59 AMPosted by Forums
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

Yet WoW has a ton of content for casual, solo players.

Yeah pvp isnt one of them then if all the solo players are going to pout and throw tantrums because they chose to do the competitve side of content.

Unlike them i can handle solo qing vs premades because im not scared . And no i wont ever stop grouping in unranked content bcuz i dont wanna do ranked 24/7 thank you.
10/26/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Jadei
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.

Because when I'm in a BG I don't let bad teammates spoil my fun. These are random battleground and you shouldn't lose it over pixels.

Over the years I found myself logging off much quicker when in premades than when I solo queud because easy games ain't my thing. I may be strange but my late nights were usually me getting trounced and trying to seek revenge.
10/27/2018 03:20 AMPosted by Realugly
10/26/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Jadei
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.

Because when I'm in a BG I don't let bad teammates spoil my fun. These are random battleground and you shouldn't lose it over pixels.

Over the years I found myself logging off much quicker when in premades than when I solo queud because easy games ain't my thing. I may be strange but my late nights were usually me getting trounced and trying to seek revenge.

I can understand and respect that but my experience has been the opposite. Begging players to help return the flag but 5 are stacked on our flag and 4 can’t seem to make it past mid. Those games aren’t uncommon. Defending LM “Inc LM” and 8 players still at farm. “Need help LM”, still no movement from farm. [Random rogue has assaulted Lumber Mill] “wtf how did we lose LM” from the warrior still fighting at farm - that they still haven’t taken.

Of course not every game goes that way but enough do to make it a frustrating experience to me. If I group with even one other person, I’m not trying to solo return a flag. I know at least one person is going to respond to my call for help at LM. It completely changes my outlook and my enjoyment.

I suggest grouping for this reason. Not because I have some agenda, but because I think it can do the same for others if they’ll just give it a shot. I’ve seen a lot of players who are completely demoralized and convinced they won’t win. Competent teammates can change that mindset.

They’ll also see it’s not the pug stomp they’re convinced happens with premades.
10/27/2018 07:54 AMPosted by Jadei
They’ll also see it’s not the pug stomp they’re convinced happens with premades.

Probably why they won't try it out. If they realize this, then what excuse will they use?
10/27/2018 07:57 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/27/2018 07:54 AMPosted by Jadei
They’ll also see it’s not the pug stomp they’re convinced happens with premades.

Probably why they won't try it out. If they realize this, then what excuse will they use?

"My teammates suck"