bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/25/2018 02:06 PMPosted by Kitanana
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Dereorc
premades galore. whatever faction you play..if you play solo..just take a break. pvp is turned on its head.
honor bonus has brought out the groups.
It's more like rated bg's

I mean you have btag friends right ? Why not just group its fun ?

This, All of this.. and thats

10/25/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Muffindiving
10/25/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Inemia

other than when you're the solo fill on a premade group, going against a premade group, you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team, or you may even get kicked/deserter for discussing a strat that they disagree with.

Starting to see why you don't have a lot of people to socialize with inside World of Warcraft.
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"

Well we lost an AV, alliance played it right, go figure.
10/25/2018 05:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
I havenā€™t had any issue solo queueing.

Have had some ridiculously fun and close games this week.

Iā€™ve had 3 games (ToK, EotS, and BfG) all decided by 10 points or less, just since Tuesday.

Lost an AV with the boss at 7%

Good games this week.

I actually won a ToK this week, alliance! :@
10/25/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
10/25/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Inemia

upper levels of rated sure, but yolos are not upper levels of rated, they are just premades vs premades.


Casual premades are 2-5 people who want to PvP together, and have zero interest in having their performances rated and being ranked against others.


lol !
Iā€™m sure Blizz will start telling people they canā€™t PvP with their friends because of some sore losers on a forum, yeah, theyā€™re all over that.
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"


Then add people who pvp duhhhh
Oh, I think it was yesterday I got into an AV against a ED HORDE PREMADE. And we destroyed them. Utterly. ;D At one point we had them in their cave. Truly a magical, vanilla-esque point in time to relish.
10/25/2018 05:02 PMPosted by Kitanana
Then add people who pvp duhhhh

what if i want my friends list to have, you know, actual friends? if you just pointlessly add people blindly they aren't really friends and all you are doing is just a slow LFM pug, trade or gen chat is likely more effective.

10/25/2018 05:02 PMPosted by Ellisanna
Iā€™m sure Blizz will start telling people they canā€™t PvP with their friends because of some sore losers on a forum, yeah, theyā€™re all over that.

how about a separate queue then? leave current randoms for the premade loser groups to get their pugstomp on, and let the solo-queuers play in the corner off by themselves. problem solved.
10/25/2018 04:57 PMPosted by Inemia

This is actually the worst post I've ever read. You and Forums are both massive unemployed losers who most likely have BO in real life and are incapable of making friends both there and online.

if i was unemployed i would spend more time in game and less time on here ;)

also, you should read more.

You should stop this and maybe youd make friends more

if i was unemployed i would spend more time in game and less time on here ;)

also, you should read more.

You should stop this and maybe youd make friends more

stop what?
10/25/2018 05:19 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 05:02 PMPosted by Kitanana
Then add people who pvp duhhhh

what if i want my friends list to have, you know, actual friends? if you just pointlessly add people blindly they aren't really friends and all you are doing is just a slow LFM pug, trade or gen chat is likely more effective.

10/25/2018 05:02 PMPosted by Ellisanna
Iā€™m sure Blizz will start telling people they canā€™t PvP with their friends because of some sore losers on a forum, yeah, theyā€™re all over that.

how about a separate queue then? leave current randoms for the premade loser groups to get their pugstomp on, and let the solo-queuers play in the corner off by themselves. problem solved.

Lol i cant even rn its like talking to a wall im done .
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Dereorc
premades galore. whatever faction you play..if you play solo..just take a break. pvp is turned on its head.
honor bonus has brought out the groups.
It's more like rated bg's

This week is **@##!#@!##!#!!!!!!!!!!!

Straight up crud!!!! I cant win a single one as alliance. This is what blizzard gets for horde favoritism. I am inches from unsubbing until they weed out ilvl groups. All because horde got to warfront first. Stupid blizzard.
10/25/2018 04:48 PMPosted by Utterly
10/25/2018 05:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
I havenā€™t had any issue solo queueing.

Have had some ridiculously fun and close games this week.

Iā€™ve had 3 games (ToK, EotS, and BfG) all decided by 10 points or less, just since Tuesday.

Lost an AV with the boss at 7%

Good games this week.

I actually won a ToK this week, alliance! :@

Huh. I lost one. MAybe you were there?

Anyway, I just tied a DWG. Didnā€™t know that was possible. Still having fun soloing it up. Maybe Iā€™ll convince a friend to PvP tonight.
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"

So because you donā€™t have friends that want to pvp means everyone shouldnā€™t?
10/25/2018 06:31 PMPosted by Jugajr
So because you donā€™t have friends that want to pvp means everyone shouldnā€™t?

im just trying to point out that things are not as cut and dry simple as you would make them out to be. often the solutions presented to people complaining on the forums lack enough nuance and sophistication to be truly viable. most are on par with "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"

also, i don't think people should be prevented from playing with friends as long as a separate solo-queue mode is added. but you knew that already.
10/25/2018 06:01 PMPosted by Tsataga
10/25/2018 04:48 PMPosted by Utterly

I actually won a ToK this week, alliance! :@

Huh. I lost one. MAybe you were there?

Anyway, I just tied a DWG. Didnā€™t know that was possible. Still having fun soloing it up. Maybe Iā€™ll convince a friend to PvP tonight.

Hah! No, I think I would remember you if I saw you. :D Grats on the tie. I've grown to sort of like the DWG map - if only I could grow to like more of the teammates I get in there.
10/25/2018 06:41 PMPosted by Utterly
Hah! No, I think I would remember you if I saw you. :D Grats on the tie. I've grown to sort of like the DWG map - if only I could grow to like more of the teammates I get in there.

Serious question... if you dislike "herding cats" as you've said in the past or don't even like most of your teammates, why are you so opposed to queuing with people who don't need herded or you might actually like?

When we queue up for a random, we will be grouped. Blizzard gave us some control on that, but solo or group queued, we'll be with 9-39 other players. What's so "cowardly" about bringing people you actually like as part of that group?
10/25/2018 05:03 AMPosted by Ellisanna
So youā€™re upset the community is coming together and working together.........go away silly Troll, this is what we WANT, not just a bunch of egotistical idgits running around farming HKā€™s instead of playing objectives!

Name calling is a good sign of maturity :)

Anyways with that said, I don't mind 3-4 people grouping up to do a BG. However, if you have yourself and 4 other friends then it is not hard to pug 5 other people and do (you might want to sit down for this) RATED BGS!

Also I have noticed full blown 10 man premades lately in Random BGs. Last expansion I would see one maybe once a day, just last night went against 5 10 man premades in a row, and yes they were a premade since they were all in the same guild. Funny thing is people want to group up for a 10 man premade yet Rated Battlegrounds are dead, like WTH!