bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/25/2018 11:25 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Jugajr

If they had 5 man rated BGs, you'd have a point.

are you saying you don't have 9 friends?

I'm not. I sometimes have 9 friends on. Sometimes they don't want to PvP.

Sometimes I don't have 9 on. (looks at guild activity, glares at Muffindiving)

Most of the time I just want to log in and PvP. At this time, I prefer random BGs. I've had my fill of RBGs. They are fun, but not the type of fun I want right now.

If there is a few people in my friends list who want to PvP they come. If not I solo queue.
10/25/2018 11:37 AMPosted by Inemia
premade vs solo-queue

Premades go against premades so guess there's no issue. Neither of us have problems solo queuing, premades are just a scapegoat for bad players.
10/25/2018 11:38 AMPosted by Jugajr
Premades go against premades so guess there's no issue. Neither of us have problems solo queuing, premades are just a scapegoat for bad players.

other than when you're the solo fill on a premade group, going against a premade group, you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team, or you may even get kicked/deserter for discussing a strat that they disagree with.
10/25/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:38 AMPosted by Jugajr
Premades go against premades so guess there's no issue. Neither of us have problems solo queuing, premades are just a scapegoat for bad players.

other than when you're the solo fill on a premade group, going against a premade group, you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team, or you may even get kicked/deserter for discussing a strat that they disagree with.
Not my experience with and without premades. Anyway off to work.
10/25/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Inemia
you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team, or you may even get kicked/deserter for discussing a strat that they disagree with.

Those are bad teammates. They would be bad regardless if they were in a premade or not.

That's the type of healer that will choose a well geared person and run around pocket healing them during the BG instead of going where they are most useful.
Hey are they called solo queue battlegrounds or casual battlegrounds?
10/25/2018 11:13 AMPosted by Inemia
is that what rated is for?

Rated is for people who want to test the limits of their skill, they don't necessarily need to be friends to be on a team lol.
10/25/2018 12:04 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
solo queue battlegrounds

hey thats a really good idea, we should have a separate solo-queue bg mode.

10/25/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Tribbie
Rated is for people who want to test the limits of their skill, they don't necessarily need to be friends to be on a team lol.

upper levels of rated sure, but yolos are not upper levels of rated, they are just premades vs premades.
10/25/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Inemia

10/25/2018 11:16 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
rated is for you to gain rating and have your performances ranked against others who desire the same. Just in case you're still confused, rating is assigning a value to something based on a particular scale.

what about YOLOs? they play in rated queue with little chance of gaining rating, its mostly for the fun and socialization right?

Most people that I know that do rated/have done rated got 1700-1800 doing only YOLO rated...this includes myself. 1800 might not be 2k+, but it's enough to get you the transmog. I'm afraid I'm not going to agree that you have "little chance of gaining rating" in YOLOs.
10/25/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Inemia

upper levels of rated sure, but yolos are not upper levels of rated, they are just premades vs premades.


Casual premades are 2-5 people who want to PvP together, and have zero interest in having their performances rated and being ranked against others.
10/25/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:38 AMPosted by Jugajr
Premades go against premades so guess there's no issue. Neither of us have problems solo queuing, premades are just a scapegoat for bad players.

other than when you're the solo fill on a premade group, going against a premade group, you know that the healer is only going to give love to the people on their premade team, or you may even get kicked/deserter for discussing a strat that they disagree with.

Starting to see why you don't have a lot of people to socialize with inside World of Warcraft.
10/25/2018 12:04 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
solo queue battlegrounds

hey thats a really good idea, we should have a separate solo-queue bg mode.


I think the ability to solo queue into an MMO has done enough damage to the game and community...don't need to make a bad problem worse.
10/25/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
..this includes myself.

funny, you don't have the achievement for it.

10/25/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
but it's enough to get you the transmog.

isn't the 1800 req new for BfA?

10/25/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Dangerjosh

the last yolo i was in the group lead made sure to express to everyone that it wasn't a serious group.

10/25/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
Casual premades are 2-5 people who want to PvP together, and have zero interest in having their performances rated and being ranked against others.

in theory, but those groups still cause problems for solo-queuers, even unintentionally.
10/25/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Muffindiving
Starting to see why you don't have a lot of people to socialize with inside World of Warcraft.

no you aren't.

10/25/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
I think the ability to solo queue into an MMO has done enough damage to the game and community...don't need to make a bad problem worse.

you can only say thats true for PVE content though. PVP has always been solo-queable ever since the first queues in vanilla.

apples to oranges my dude.
lets do some premades!
10/25/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
..this includes myself.

funny, you don't have the achievement for it.

10/25/2018 12:36 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
..this includes myself.

funny, you don't have the achievement for it.

10/25/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
but it's enough to get you the transmog.

isn't the 1800 req new for BfA?

10/25/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Dangerjosh

the last yolo i was in the group lead made sure to express to everyone that it wasn't a serious group.

10/25/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
Casual premades are 2-5 people who want to PvP together, and have zero interest in having their performances rated and being ranked against others.

in theory, but those groups still cause problems for solo-queuers, even unintentionally.

The 1800 requirement for the transmog was a requirement in MoP. I'm not sure before that, honestly.

So because you were in 1 group where the leader said this isn't serious business, that invalidates my statement? Boy the holes we can shoot in all of your posts because "it happened that one time".

funny, you don't have the achievement for it.[/quote]

that's from 4 years ago.

but more importantly, why aren't you following naming conventions for RP servers?
10/25/2018 01:27 PMPosted by Dangerjosh
Boy the holes we can shoot in all of your posts because "it happened that one time".

you keep shooting but my paper airplane is still flying :P

is Juga back yet?
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Dereorc
premades galore. whatever faction you play..if you play solo..just take a break. pvp is turned on its head.
honor bonus has brought out the groups.
It's more like rated bg's

I mean you have btag friends right ? Why not just group its fun ?