Bonereaver's Edge (BRE) Proc % is Much Lower than it was in Vanilla

BRE used to have a roughly 15% chance on hit proc rate in Vanilla, thoroughly tested. Blizzard bumped the proc rate way up after nerfing the weapon from putting a debuff on the boss that would benefit the whole raid to only being a buff to the user. Blizzard then decreased the duration of the effect to 10 seconds, but greatly increased the chance on hit proc rate of the weapon to help compensate for that.

However, after testing BRE’s proc rate in classic. It is only 11% chance on hit! Almost 5% lower. This makes it extremely difficult to obtain multiple stacks of the proc, nevermind maintain the stacks. Basically, the only way to consistantly get and maintain stacks of it now is when doing mass consecutive AOE on trash.

Back in Vanilla, with the 15% proc rate, it was much easier to obtain multiple stacks single target and keep them up.

Please fix BRE, GMs, as the nerfed proc rate greatly diminishes the effectiveness of the weapon.

Thank you.


Bonereaver’s Edge has been tinkered with a few times post vanilla (see below link for the patch history on this weapon) so it’s conceivable that at some point after vanilla, the proc rate was tinkered with (if they are using current retail for the proc chance on this weapon).

For instance…

[Patch 4.0.3a] (2010-11-23):** The proc now increases critical strike instead of armor penetration.
[Patch 3.0.2] (2008-10-14):**The proc effect is now a buff on the wielder rather than a debuff on the wielder.

<Blizzard won’t allow me to include links to my post for the weapon’s patch history for some reason, but perhaps another user can post it? It’s from the site gamepedia.>

It is very conceivable to me, that in one of the above patches the proc rate was lowered. Especially for the change from Armor penetration to increased crit chance for patch Patch 4.0.3a.

All of the information of 1.12 vanilla BRE has the proc % at being around 15 - 17% chance on hit (I used 15% as a low end conservative number). Hence the Vanilla 1.10 patches use of the descriptor “substantially increased” in regards to the proc.

Basically, the consensus was that the proc was up around 90% of the time with the authentic 15-17% proc rate since the proc had a 10 second duration that refreshed with each subsequent proc. The only thing that fluctuated during uptime was how many stacks of the armor pen buff you had at a time.

With the non vanilla CATA nerf patch, the proc rate was dropped way down to 11% in conjunction with the proc effect itself being changed to a flat crit % increase instead of stacks of armor pen. Current WoW classic is using this non vanilla proc rate for the weapon

As such the weapon is NOT performing as intended, as with a 50% decrease in proc rate, you can basically never get stacks on single target boss fights, and the uptimes of even just one stack is substantially reduced, from around 90% uptime to only around 30%. Greatly nerfs the weapon, and is a huge deal. Needs to be fixed ASAP.



Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re 100% correct, there are several non vanilla bugs causing some rather annoying problems.


I agree, after using BRE for a few months as my only weapon, I never see stacks last despite being hit capped and maintaining melee engagment.

Bonereaver’s Edge has been tinkered with a few times post vanilla (see below link for the patch history on this weapon) so it’s conceivable that at some point after vanilla, the proc rate was tinkered with (if they are using current retail for the proc chance on this weapon).

For instance…

[Patch 4.0.3a](2010-11-23):** The proc now increases critical strike instead of armor penetration.
[Patch 3.0.2](2008-10-14):**The proc effect is now a buff on the wielder rather than a debuff on the wielder.

<Blizzard won’t allow me to include links to my post for the weapon’s patch history for some reason, but perhaps another user can post it? It’s from the site gamepedia.>

It is very conceivable to me, that in one of the above patches the proc rate was lowered. Especially for the change from Armor penetration to increased crit chance for patch Patch 4.0.3a.

All of the information of 1.12 vanilla BRE has the proc % at being around 15 - 17% chance on hit (I used 15% as a low end conservative number). Hence the Vanilla 1.10 patches use of the descriptor “substantially increased” in regards to the proc.

Basically, the consensus was that the proc was up around 90% of the time with the authentic 15-17% proc rate since the proc had a 10 second duration that refreshed with each subsequent proc. The only thing that fluctuated during uptime was how many stacks of the armor pen buff you had at a time.

With the non vanilla CATA nerf patch, the proc rate was dropped way down to 11% in conjunction with the proc effect itself being changed to a flat crit % increase instead of stacks of armor pen. Current WoW classic is using this non vanilla proc rate for the weapon

As such the weapon is NOT performing as intended, as with a 50% decrease in proc rate, you can basically never get stacks on single target boss fights, and the uptimes of even just one stack is substantially reduced, from around 90% uptime to only around 30%. Greatly nerfs the weapon, and is a huge deal. Needs to be fixed ASAP.


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Given that several things of this nature have indeed been detected; such as modern wow weapon scaling causing damage to be too high.

That was caught in beta and Blizzard admitted to it.

Being that modern wow is the core system used it’s not a surprise that there would be issues with numerous things simply because there are just so dam many items and combinations of items, uses and talents that can reveal flaws in the replication process.

Let us remember this game uses very little actual vanilla data if any at all. Nearly everything is a replication of the original as best they could provide with the team size and resources and time given.

Because of this there is without a doubt going to be countless errors and modern wow holdovers.

Skull of impending doom anyone?

No we don’t remember that because it’s not true:

Stop trying to mislead and misinform people.

They also nerfed the drop rate, considering we’ve gotten 2 eyes and 0 two-handers from Rag. So hey, screw BRE it was overpowered anyway in it’s previous state being better than just about every weapon in the game considering it’s a phase 1 item.

What is the drop rate and what do you think it should be?

They translated the data… AKA meaning it is not 1:1 the same data.

Many items are the TBC or newer versions.

Some abilities are the TBC or newer versions.

keep trying bud.

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No one takes anything you say seriously dude. You’ve made dozens of bug report threads that have no responses because you think everything is a bug.

Skull of impending doom is factually the wrong version, its the TBC version. There are more issues like this.

Legion era weapon augmentation was used and Blizz got called out on it in BETA, this was corrected.

PET AI has been the TBC+ version, the OG vanilla version is different.

Guardian pet AI is jacked, it’s using a TBC+ version.

Execute has 800 to 1200ms delay; OG Vanilla had on a bad day 400ms if that.

Nice try tho dude.

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What about this is the TBC version?

Everything else you said isn’t worth responding to.

The tool tip is pointless, go do some research and you will understand.

You made the claim, you show the evidence. Don’t tell me to go do your research.

There is enough write up in this forum, open your eyes dude. I am not your mommy, and PS, several of the bug reports that I have made have now been corrected.

Just because other players do not detect the issue does not make it a pointless effort. The reason for making a bug report is to either get direction on a correction on my end or for Blizzard to correct on their end. Thus far I have seen all but 4 bugs posted corrected.

Could they be legit vanilla quirks? no idea, Blizzard did not comment, however the corrections they have made do confirm my submissions in those cases.

Presently the biggest thorn in my side is the 5/8 T1 hunter set bonus; right now it causes FD failure and this was never an issue in Vanilla.

BRE as the OP has claimed was very reliable in PVE in actual vanilla, now in Classic 2019 it’s not. It needs to be corrected; it’s my opinion that he’s correct.

If you don’t agree with the OP’s post you don’t need to comment.

If you think the OP is wrong explain why rather than being ridiculous, why not ask better questions rather than making the empty headed questions of “prove it”.

If the OP had a legit Vanilla server to play on then he could obviously, but since no one possesses that he cannot do so,.

The only thing he can do is say “Hey I observe this in Classic” But I remember something very different in Vanilla.

He can also say “Hey I see X,Y,Z” observations made in Vanilla era posts, that do not align with Classic 2019.

Anything outside of that is kinda ridiculous.

You’re the one who came in with an offtopic rant like you always do.

And this is not off topic eh? Take a hike dude.

Correct, I’m currently taking your bait and arguing with you when I should know better.

Bonereaver’s edge had a 5% drop rate in Vanilla:

And I am not trolling you, BRE needs to be reviewed as there are many other problems with this game engine that never existed before. You very well likely have me confused with someone else.

I play with him occasionally, we PVP together, he is indeed in Vendetta.