Bonereaver's Edge (BRE) Proc % is Much Lower than it was in Vanilla

I have also heard reports that “The Untammed Blade’s” 300 STR proc rate is way down also. I don’t have one, but from what I hear it appears to only be proccing at 5%-6% on hit where as old reports people used to say “it procs all the time”, and others reporting around a 10% proc rate on hit.

Again, can’t confirm as I never used this weapon in the past or now, but something to look into as that weapon is very uninspiring without a decent proc rate.

You have no idea, but whatever.

Best of luck proving the OP wrong that’s what you’re here to do, I happen to think that he has merit, you don’t and that’s what this boils down too.

You’re a Activision fan boy, you think they can do no wrong; I am not.

Also, another FYI. Upon looking into things further, private servers had BRE’s proc rate at around 17% chance on hit. Obviously, not Vanilla, but interesting to observe considering it is based on vanilla and they did their best to try to make the weapon mechanics match as closely as possible.

Untammed blade also had a much higher proc rate on private servers.

I believe OP. I also believe this is never getting fixed.

Mount speed isn’t being calculated correctly either, and unlike BRE’s proc chance we have the precise data to back up the claim that mithril spurs, riding enchant and carrot on a stick aren’t behaving as they did during Vanilla (the game itself spits out your movement speed if you tell it to). Blizzard hasn’t done anything MONTHS after it was first pointed out. Classic has no developers allocated to it, it barely has a skeleton crew to make it run properly. If they aren’t fixing something that has been proven to be working incorrectly they’re not going to bother looking into something that could be working incorrectly. For anything to be fixed it needs to be gamebreaking.

Private servers were wrong on many things tho. They even had some major f ups where they used the tbc version of a item (soulstring for example) making a 50 dps bow into a 60 dps one… I wouldnt trust their data at all.

Patch 1.7.0: WoW
The duration of the Bonereaver’s Edge weapon debuff has been lowered, but the frequency of the effect has been raised.

Patch 1.10.0: WoW
The Bonereaver’s Edge’s triggered effect has been changed. Instead of lowering your victim’s armor, it will cause you to ignore a portion of your victim’s armor. Its triggering rate was substantially increased as well as the magnitude of the effect. In addition, the item now has 16 stamina.

Patch 3.0.2: WoTlK
The proc effect is now a buff on the wielder rather than a debuff on the wielder.

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Does anyone else have any observations for BRE, or Untammed Blade now that BWL is out? Lots of angry reports on the low proc chance of The Untammed Blade!

Ok, it has a 3% drop rate now. So there ya go.

Provide your sources for this claim, please and thank you.

My source is the average taken from everyone who’s killed Ragnaros.

Ok, show the data then. Are you asking them personally?

Download Atlas Loot, it polls the data from the server and adjusts the % based on the drops.


Guess Blizzard saw this post and bumped up the drop rate.


Some people have gotten many many BRE’s

That’s a seeding issue, drop rates in raid mean nothing because of it.

Many guilds get well over 50% of the same drops from week to week

Just luck of the draw what your raids seed is pumpin out

That’s not how statistics works.

You’re assuming a lot about the WoW loot system you don’t understand.

Trust me, it’s not just a simple number generator that hits every time u go down a boss lol

We call it “seeding”, what exactly it is who knows. But it ain’t as simple as you imply

Oh so I take it you have a “lucky” guild member you like to form the raid?

That’s what people think, but i see v ery little evidence of that. There are certainly patterns. What is affecting them IDK

If we got crap loot the last week tho, yea we’re switching up everything imaginable.

There are people who get mageblades every week and started pumping them on healers…Literally teh same loot for weeks in a row lol

And you see weird patterns like that all over teh loot. Just keep track of the drops…Especially if you raid back to back over lock out every 2 weeks. Very high chance u gonna double a lotta ur drops