Bonechewer Horde Reconnections

Tilla! The Hunter!

I also had Glorianna the Holy Priest of Awesome

Believe I was in HHH, and some other guilds I honestly don’t remember.

I remember Stricken, Emilio and Zulsokana though!

Chaoszero mage from flopped. Battletag is chaoszero11975 hmu. Looking to raid as a tank or healer.

Livilla, Undead holy priest. Also Descentia!


sup bae :wink: you knew in your heart of hearts it was only a matter of time before Milky came back into your life :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ihealuquik, Undead priest, of guilds such as Rabbi and The Restless

From Descentia. Hey dudes. Idk if I’ll play this game again, just kinda curious who still does.


never enough milky :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh man Devastation, I can still hear him yelling at us during raids.


Juicestarr Orc Warlock
I believe I was in Ruin and then Tempestus Fury


NICE! Familiar names popping up all over the place. Started here with this guy, Vyktamus. I believe the first guild I was in was Solidarity back in vanilla days. Can’t remember if that was on BC or Bloodscalp. So excited for classic

Anyone from dienasty warriors here?

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What’s your bnet ID?!

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just sent you a request! it should be called Justice

I played an Orc Hunter named Lcs on Bonechewer. I was in a guild called Popular Creeps for the longest time, can’t really remember being in too many other guilds from this time. There are two players in particular that I remember; Hackadash, a Troll Hunter, and Audious, an Undead Warrior. If either if you so happen to read this, reply to this thread! Would be great to hear from you!


Sigler - Undead Priest
Stinkface - Troll Shaman

Looking for anyone from KSP or Dark Apocalypse that used to play would love to chat it up if any of you all still play or gonna play Classic!

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Lagalor-Undead Warrior

Guild- Tindi Losi, looking for anyone I used to raid with so we can start again!


i still talk to him every now and again, he hasn’t played in a reallll long time haha

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DUDE!! its TKE
I think Lucidity was before the casual slander merge but that was so long ago…

Not sure I remember you, what was your toons name?? Were you in Escaper also? I actually don’t remember anyone from the guild hardly the only person that has stuck out to me is Zulsokona or however he spelled it :p.

Looking for a priest named Palisade!