In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Bonechewer (US) in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Stricken. Undead rogue. There’s a pretty big horde guild planned with some potentially familiar names from both factions . Message me if you’re interested and I’ll link the discord.
Zulaja, Troll Warrior (No I’m not Zulsokana the Hunter before anyone jumps on that lol)
Honestly would love to connect to anyone from Escaper that still plays and remembers me. The guild exists on Bonechewer still but only a few left that even log on. I ended up moving off server during WoD to raid with RL friends.
Was one of the only Troll Fury Warriors playing on that server.
• Converge, Undead Warrior
• Mindset, Sons of Redemption, Ruin
• Shoosta, Knockhoma/Karnzk, Crimsondeath, Evard, Ekun, Buffghoul, Ryot, etc. So many damn people to remember.
Hey Converge! Undead warrior! I remember you man. I’m Jesperhead, the Undead Mage and core raider while you were GM of Ruin after big chief griz quit Shards/Sons. I wonder if you remember me man, me and Chob (undead rogue also core raider in Ruin) will be playing together again. I still remember getting you a thunder fury! I am still in contact with Shoosta as well, I wonder if I can get him to hop back on. This is so cool.
Yo dude! Hell ya I remember you and Chob. I have all of Karnzk’s old vids from MC/BWL/AQ40 on my old hard drive I just haven’t been able to get them off yet because the POS tower runs on Windows ME lmao. Been trying to get to them so I can figure out all the old names of ppl’s toons from back then.
I never got TF though, sadly lol. That’s awesome you’re still in contact with those dudes. I hope we can meet up somehow in game.
Oh sh*t really? I thought we got you the TF! Bro, I would love to see old vids of our raids. Does it have our voices in it as well? When we had 40 of us in vent, good time. I will definitely add you and we can meet in game. That would be so cool. I’m remembering a bunch of old names just now. We had Aenerion, something like that. We had evards brother, abimelch? I hope I’m close. Let’s see, we had loocmi? And desiree? Mages? Sound familiar? Oh and that dude with the deeeeeep voice, aobi? I remember a bunch more man. Oh Mdiin!