Agranok here.
I remember you from somewhere I just can’t pinpoint where! I almost want to say I did raids with you.
I played Nayna - an undead mage Not sure I was in HHH but I might of been the only guild I can remember is Escaper atm
Suweenja Troll Ele Shaman - fond memories of “Dark Apocalypse”
Muatahi Tauren Druid as well
Focused on pvp in the later days
Thrus, Undead rogue
Anyone that remembers honestly
Whats up guys! = D
Yeah, I was in DA up until the beginning of BC and stopped playing for a good bit of time. Raiding in MC with that guild was a literal blast. Wonder if they’ll see it.
Two main toons, Sucky Warrior named Krullthar and a badass Frost mage Scroggins. Was in Nocturnal Fate, The Dragon Militia and another that I raided with that I cannot remember.
Hey Rekroga, good to see you, Yeah I remember you, we got together for a bit during Wrath as well. Looking forward to meeting you in game again. Us old guys need to stick together! My toons were Krullthar and Scroggins (Frost Mage)
I believe Rekroga was the GM?
Slimball…Tauren Shaman. I think i was arund 13 years old and was probably prettty annoying. I was in Dark Apoc and various other guilds. NAMES i remember are Gatorsmash…Phebos…Bigsexi…cant remeber what guilds they were tied too
No…my son corrected me…I believe the GM of Dark Apocolypse was Phebos, wasn’t it?
Tankzalot undead warrior see some familar names.
Ridn - Troll hunter
Mindset, Descentia, Tindi Losi.
Already see a bunch of old guildies here, hey guys. Haven’t decided If I want to come back yet.
Looking for guildies with some people in particular. Devastatian, Nerk, Shakrami, Close (parrot), Spiderblue, Morphestus, Huachiman (crab), Selsi, Rug.
I used to play an Orc rogue named Sanchaz, cant remember the guild name but I used to play with Puk, Moolina, Duckbutta, Torx(Xrot) among others. I posted in smolderthorn too cause I cant remember when we guild migrated from bonechewer to smolderthorn, but if your here love to hear from ya guys!
Holy crap dude. Haven’t seen that name in years. If Nerk/ Spiderblue/ Rauch/ Askari/ Badbrains show up, I might crap myself.
Tsunami of fat
Hey Tojara! Long time no see!!! Remember me? I used to be in CryHavoc as warrior Sulik. What server will you play on?
Ravenhoof/ Desolatehoof here, looking for wayward members of The CovenanT.
Anybody still alive?
oi juicestarr… know if any of the others ruin chaps are still around? i went by the shaman kilijadan at the time
Tuaren Druid
Founding member of Shards/SON.
Hit me up if you still looking for more Bigchief Holla Points.
Sup guys! The name was Shadowtalon back in the day, rank 13 Feral druid. I remember Ruku, Heyzuz, Stangs, Juicestar, Malkr, Pigmaster. Fought against Vis Major the guild, Hitz and Fabulous. Pkunforgiven and Stricken names seem so familiar, its been SOOO long I can’t remember! I was a flag carrier, base guarding/capping feral. Loved world pvp. I believe I was in Exploited at the time, later joined Gileads Blood, Warpigs, One hundred Percent and Cryhavoc. Transferred to Smolderthorn for TBC. I know I’m forgetting so many people. I’m going to be playing on Whitemane on horde side, I think I’m going Rogue this time around. Hit me up! I would love to hear from you!