Bonechewer Horde Reconnections

Wow! I was in “Dark Apocalypse” for the last month or two before BC dropped. Synfully invited my friend and myself. I wasn’t good at all but they still took me through MC.

Troll Warrior: Fireblight

yA toss that Discord out would be cool 100% remember Pkunforgiven putting in work on folks

Yes that’s my video actually!

Emillo, Troll Priest. Stricken’s BFF and former lover

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SixOneNine - Undead Mage - Civilian

Hungry hungry hordos, civilian, and another I can’t remember.

Not even sure I’m gonna play classic but the nostalgia of some of these names is hilarious. Zulsokana and Bakkusenshi hahaha. Times fly. Still got Zul’s realID.

Klemme for life.

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sup bae :wink:

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Nayna undead mage :slight_smile:

Escaper I believe was the guild. =)

Some of the names I am seeing in here is crazy!


Pkunforgivin here!


Yo ZULAJA?!?!?!


Getting all kinds of fancy in this thread.


I know they were just recently posted, but has anyone decided on a server yet?

Anyone looking for a Horde guild, I’m making one with some old vanilla players. Hit us up if you’re looking!

Blacklisted [H] | Herod NA-PvP | Tues/Thus 9-12pm EST | Semi-Hardcore | Loot council

Blacklisted is a group of old vanilla players looking to first and foremost have fun as we re-live the Vanilla Experience! Our core have been officers threw most of the content including about half of Naxx. We are looking to create a very open and inclusive community for classic. Toxic members will not be tolerated!

We are currently recruiting all classes at this time.

We will expect our raiders to attend about 80% of raids but do accept casual members to enjoy the journey with us too!

As the heading says we will be raiding Tues/Thurs 9-12pm EST, Loot Council-style distribution with rotating non-officers in the council to keep the process transparent and fair for all.

Feel free to visit our discord and for recruitment interest please contact kold#2960, xe#9448, or bnet adam#16563.

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Discord link if anyone is interest. mPbCaYV

Dats me! :smiley: DUDE How you doing?!

I remember you!

Vandango (Hunter) here. It’s been a LONG time since I was on bonechewer, but I was there when we started our BWL / AQ Push and into TBC. I had the most fun with Civilian out of any guild.

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Does anyone know if Sargaz still plays? That dude was nutty.

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I’d like to find Devastatian, too. My friend, ol’ greg.

wtf, it changed my character for some reason…cheskah is me.

PKunforgivin#1409 is my bnet ID