Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

I miss when WoW was a fantasy game and not a soapbox reflecting real life issuez. I miss when it was an escape from reality and player’s primary issues were about raids, BiS items, what talents to use, the lore etc.

It’s all so tiring.


Yeah, it was a place to get away. Forget the real world for a few hours. A person needs that once in a while.


I can still write cursive. I think.

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yep… Aragon predicted it.

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It’s a wonderful thing to know. A lot of the original documents are written in Cursive or a form of it, like the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence.


all this talk of weaponising personal traits. Once upon a time people were judged by their ability to play the game. Now its “pander or get out” or the opposite. adding unneccessarily real world stuff to in game tooltips is an awful idea it wont do any good and I could see people weaponising it to bait people into trouble if blizz did decide to bind the recent social contract to it.

Anything that can be added to tooltips should be toggleable by the viewing user. ie if you had yours showing but i had the feature off, i would not see it. The option should be off by default to prevent users from suddenly seeing something they may not want to be exposed too. Just add a new section to the escape - interface menu with the different features there. Add a nice forum post and a new feature link on the launcher too so those who are interested know exactly how to do it, and those who arent dont need to change anything. Everyone wins

I’m old’ish. Emphasis on the “ish”. I know cursive. There were no computers when I went through school. My solar powered scientific calculator was a big deal back then. I can read and write it. But doesn’t everybody learn it? Are you saying it’s no longer on the curriculum-that’s interesting.

It’s no longer on the curriculum in public schools. Can’t say for Private, they got the money to afford stuff like that.

We are getting a generation of people that cannot even read the documents that gives them their rights. It wouldn’t take much for some entity to change something small and the people will not know the difference, and poof, you right to vote goes away. (It’s an extreme example). It’s a scary thought.

Youtube is rampant with cam videos of Police arresting people for crimes and it turned out there was no crime committed, people go along with it because they don’t know their rights. I see that a lot in the black community.

Do you know there was an episode of Sliders (S2E6), which they leaped to a US that was a police state. The state hid away the Bill of Rights and Constitution, when people asked, it was “trust us, it says that”.

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Well I recall a black mirror episode where in the future everybody had brain implants connected to the net, so they had no need to read, write, or manually calculate. All except one old guy who was treated like he was disabled because he lacked this chip. So of course when the net went down permanently no one could function — the old guy had to teach them how to read etc. anyway, I apologise, I’m derailing the thread now. I must stop.


Oh remember that. it was a good episode.

This thread was troll garbage in the first place, due to lack of moderation on the weekends, it’ll probably stick around til Monday.

Lol ok… now I don’t feel so guilty

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I just have a problem with development time being wasted on this, someone had to work on this, the idea had to bounce off multiple people before being accepted. Alpha is launching with this included but not the talent trees for one of the most popular classes in the game, Paladin, and that’s the real problem to me.


Who cares. Why should I care about whether Orc#12039871235018273912 created in WoW is whatever?

Whenever I see sentiments like this, the only thing that I can think is that it’s a lot like people who wax nostalgic for the good old 1950s in the US, when everything was candy-coated awesome and dreamy and all the world was just perfect.

The problem is that the actual 1950s were a terrible time if you weren’t a straight white man buoyed by a post-war economy and a robust social safety net. It was never a candy-coated awesome time for tons of people. But when people want to go back to that time, they’re longing for a rose-tinted fantasy that would only exist in their head if they turned a blind eye to all the other people who had it so much worse then.

I’m a woman who has been into fantasy and video games more or less since there were commercial home video games. And let me tell you, sticking to the hobby has been an act of sheer force of will and an aggressive Gen X ability to just say “whaatever” to things that bothered me. Ambient casual harassment. Girls in guilds getting hit on and then scapegoated. Free-flowing slurs and derogatory terms. A million tiny pebbles of disrespect that just bounced off the thick hide that I had to develop to keep on enjoying just doing my own thing. WoW has never been a perfectly disconnected utopian fantasy for me that I could dip into like a warm bath at the end of a long day, the tub was always sort of grotty and since I lacked the tools to clean it up myself I just had to sort of ignore it.

Unless it suddenly becomes a single-player game, there will always be intruding real life because people bring all their “real life” with them and inflict it on others. But personally, I’m glad that the developers are trying to nudge things in a new direction by making tiny (LITERALLY TINY) changes that signal to their playerbase that they’re at least trying to tweak things to make it a fantasy oasis for a wider variety of people instead of just one specific type of person.


I just put the same amount of effort into quoting your post that it likely took them to rename “Male” and “Female” to “Body Type 1” and “Body Type 2”.

Quite disgusting.

No, they just renamed “Male” to “Body 1,” “Female” to “Body 2” and changed the icons.
In short: purely superficial.


That’s a male Dwarf.

They did, they’ve openly made statements on Twitter, stating that this was specifically for inclusivity and a statement against normative behavioral standards.

That’s what I thought initially too, but the devs disagree.

Did someone at Blizzard make on comment on this? Or are you referring to the change being made at all? Just because the change was made doesn’t mean isn’t superficial…