Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Technically it is, this whole thing is divisive look at how divided the community has become just because male and female got changed to type a and type b.

At the end of the day, come 10.0 my character will still be a female blood elf. Because thats what i want her to be. Anyone who wants their male character to be male will still be male.

Yet, here we are. 1/3rd of the community going to the extreme one way saying that the change is offensive and preaching about how bad it is.

1/3rd of the community making smug threads to trigger that first 1/3rd, acting just as close minded self centered.

And then the 1/3rd who dont give two flying carrier pigeons about it and just want to get hyped to play a dragon.

Its a divisive change. Divisive doesnt mean its a bad change. Just divisive.

I think there are legitimately some people that see ‘male’ and ‘female’ disappear and get a bit of panic, I get that. But what I’ve been trying to get across is that if you feel that your Blood Elf is female, that will not change. If you feel your Blood Elf is male, that will not change. All that is happening is people will have the opportunity to define their characters with greater clarity.

‘Male’ and ‘female’ still exist in full force, those options just got moved to the pronoun menu instead of being arbitrarily linked to a specific shape.

I literally said that myself. I could care less about the change.

I think you missed the point of my reply: whether the change is good or bad, its still divisive.

Do you have twitter open in your second tab?

There are only two sexes smh, and intersex is still either male or female.

There is no third category, let alone six


There are people that are born both. That is what intersex is.

Incorrect, there is no true human hermaphrodite.

Intersex people have some secondary characteristics of the opposite sex, but they are still either male or female.

Sex is defined by the gametes that the body produces. And a human can only produce one, never both.

Even when looking at chromosome structure, it’s still either male or female. No matter the added X’s.

The mythological term “hermaphrodite” implies that a person is both fully male and fully female. This is a physiologic impossibility.

The words “hermaphrodite” and “pseudo-hermaphrodite” are stigmatizing and misleading words.


The definition for hermaphrodite doesn’t require both full male or female, just both types of organs. Anyways genetically there is xxx, xxy and xyy beings. Some people have extra chromosomes.

Not to mention some people have chimerism. Some parts of their bodies have different genes and it can happen like when a absorbed twin in the womb is merged with another fetus.

Anyways sex and gender have much variance in biology and among different species. Just because society focuses on two doesn’t mean others don’t exist. Or from other people’s cultural view such as two-spirit people. Western culture doesn’t dictate how everyone sees the world.


“Hey guys, we’re planning on rolling out more customizations for body shape but we don’t know how to fit that into the character creation UI”



What six sexes?

Good question? I’m aware of 4 Biological, Male, Female, Neuter and Hermaphrodite… I’m basing that on the equipment(or lack of it) south of the belt.

Yeah I had to look it up. I don’t think the poster is correct on that. There can be abnormalities in the chromosomes, xxy, xxx, yyx etc but if there’s a ‘y’ in the mix it will be a bio male and absent a ‘y’ a bio female. For clarity I’m commenting on sex not gender.

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This is correct. Intersex are still either Male or Female, never both.

The idea that they can be “true hermaphrodites” is a misconception that many intersex individuals have spoken out about.


This explains Intersex a lot better.

That was informative- thanks

People on the forums lately have a habit of quoting stuff with out corroboration or links. They say “Oh, it’s this” and give a vague description or nothing at all. It’s quite easy to Google the term and link a relevant finding.

Some of the chuckheads copy and paste, not showing the source, but most of the time, the source is quite sketchy and they get called on it.

If they cannot link due to trust levels, there are work around. The best one is typing the link as normal in the edit box, then highlight it and use the preformated text option and then you would get this:

If you have ANY higher education, they beat this into your head in your first year and semester. If you are gonna quote, provide reviewable corroboration and links.

Look up College Writing.

Every university, trade school, community college requires it, and I think some High Schools teach it too.

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If you really want to know what’s going to happen you should of been on proudmoore with the whole LGBT thing then you would already know lol and yes I am LGBT should they have named a server LGBT nah. I don’t expect no one in life to confirm to what I am idc. Should video games have to no. You can scream all you want about banning or whatever cause this can of worms won’t go away it still hasn’t on proudmoore. Has it died down after all these yrs sure but it’s there.

Pronouns don’t define whether you’re male or female, though.

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I hear you, but recall, this is a video game forum and thus expectations must be managed accordingly.

That’s not an excuse. It’s a written medium, and writing rules do apply. Some people here cannot even type coherent sentences in their native tongue. I have seen posts written by people that would make Primary School Teachers wince.

The purpose of writing is to inform and, sometimes, persuade. If you can’t even do that, you fail to get your message across and are generally ignored.

As an exercise, write a love letter to your partner, don’t get on the computer and do it. Hand write it, cursive if you can and if your partner can read it. Trust me, the results will curl your toes. :slight_smile:

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