Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

My dude, there’s only one group that is getting easily offended about this. Literally no one asked for this, but it’s nice to have anyway. No one was clamoring for the removal of gender labels from the character selection process.

But OH BOY are people flipping their tiddybeans about it being updated. And somehow the people going, “Oh. Neat.” about it are the overreactive ones?


Is it hot in here or is it just me. Something bout the red hair :flushed:.


Heck as many people that like bearded ladies I should just let mine grow out then XD lolol


Can’t wait to finally make fantasy accurate dwarf females :blush:

Until now dragons were also split as pretty obvious male and female.

The only odd one was Chromie having a masculine name and a small female gnome form.

It’s not like this idea has been “Common” throughout dragons.

This just strikes as pandering more than anything.


In their mortal forms they have physical indicators of gender appropriate to their chosen race, like with Dracthyr “visage” forms.

In the Dracthyr form it’s like with the drake form of a normal dragon, there’s no obvious visual indicator of gender.

What gender is that dragon?

What about that one?

Or that one?


Chromie is also fairly important.

We see bronzes turning into crocodiles for BM, Krasus had at least 2 forms, and all in all, it’s not out of the question that my female Dracthyr would choose a male blood elf visage without it being odd. But since the Dracthyr bodies don’t customize by gender… isn’t it rather nice to have options?

Thank you.

I don’t understand what the issue is, here.

A lack of picking a gender? That’s entirely appropriate.

They’re reptiles.

Can anyone tell a male from a female reptile, at first glance? A crocodile, for example?

Because I sure can’t.

$100 you post on Truth Social about immigrants or other divisive topics.

Absolutely. Hard agree

Go back to twitter.


Actually it’s considering the future design decisions.

Because un reality this just enables them to be really lazy in design.

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Some you can. Crested Gecko for example, my male has a very obvious buldge that you can’t unsee, that my females do not have.


Maybe their allow Male… cough Body 1 cough Nightelves to smile instead of that angry look they have.

Nah. Lets not get to much hope here. lol


This does make a good point. The customization options between the previous binary system should become more universal, and I hope that is something we can expect down the line.

Imagine… One day we can finally have proper bearded dwarven women…

Oh, and it’s nice that people can represent themselves more accurately, too.

In EverQuest 2 all female dwarfs had a beard option. Be kinda cool if we had that here.

Also I’d just love to have all the hair options for either gender, or even across races. We just…we just need more hair options in the game…I’ll take anything at this point.

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Geez, some of you are like, “so what if the body has feminine features, its nonbinary.”

Sorry, but you sound like an immature brat.

Its either male or female based on science.


Based on science? In a video game full of anthropomorphic creatures.

And inter species relationships (literally love between a robot and a frog)

Where was this attitude then?


I know you’re trying to sound intelligent but it seems like you didn’t even read the changes.

They didn’t take away the ability to label yourself as male and female, they literally just changed the wording for how your physical appearance looks in the character creator.

Last time I checked humans have many different body types regardless of their gender, based on science of course.

You sound old, ignorant, and angry, not sorry.


Actually there are six sexes that don’t result in fetal death. Two are just more common than others.

But gender hasn’t been synonymous with sex since the 1930s in nearly every dictionary.

Also, as someone said, I can play a literal minotaur. Science really isn’t that influential in a world where your emotions can turn into eldritch horrors and you can go hang out in hell with your favorite Naga.


I’m glad you decided to come stalk me on GD after your troll thread got deleted on the BG forums.