Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Until they splatter it all over tooltips and nameplates.


So your problem is you have to read it? I don’t see you be harmed. I’m getting the sense that it just goes against your sensibilities and that’s what bothers you.
I guess I understand but I’m not very sympathetic


Did you forget everything I mentioned about the harassment and bullying can of worms this is going to open up?


No but I choose not to let the bullies of the world have their way.

Harassment is a choice. It’s not the victim’s fault the harasser has aA chip on their shoulder and a heart filled with hate


All I have to say is well… Good luck to them then, I have a transgender daughter, and I been through all of this already, and have seen it first hand.

For the record, lots of things go against my sensibilities and principles. If I can avoid or separate myself from those things, then I do if I feel I need to. I don’t make everyone else change thier behavior to suit me.

But where this is headed is not something players can just opt out of.


Perhaps one could appeal for a toggle


THAT I could get behind.

It wouldn’t solve the harrasment part for people who choose to keep it on just to see who they can pick on tho.

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Yeah they honestly can’t help themselves and then screech about getting suspended/banned/squelched all the time. They’re pretty sad individuals.

You’d think they’re teenagers, but they’re really grown adults so it gets even sadder.


Bannings will fix those people

Harassment sure. But the lines defining harassment are getting pretty darn blurry in today’s sociopolitical atmospheres. We get into a whole different conversation about what and who defines harassment/bullying etc.

Twitter will ban you just for having a dissenting opinion, for example.


I don’t do social media. But as long as one refrains from name calling and using strong language. All you have to do is articulate your thoughts with reason and respect.

Believe me, I wish it were that cut n dry.


How big of a mustache can a female have? :rofl:

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Sorry I have to disagree with you, … Many times I have seen the hatred be secret and silent. It’s not the vocal ones who bother me…

Well I’m mostly talking about the folks within this game. You’re correct.

The trick of it all is it is that easy. Humans just like to blame something else for their inability to have thoughtful discussions instead of delving into emotional terrades.

So I thank you for your ability to be reasonable. We might disagree but I don’t think you were ever disrespectful

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Hey if they had brown hair mine looks like that when I don’t shave XD haha

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Tried not to be, despite how fired up I get about some of this stuff. But for context, you want to know what my most recent Twitter suspension was about?

I replied to someone squeeling with delight posting a video of a 4 yr old sticking a dollar bill into a drag queen’s thong with ‘This is super wrong. I disagree with this completely. This shouldn’t be a thing.’

Twitter made me delete that reply to get access to my account back.

So when I talk about the lines separating reasonable dissent and harassment being blurry, I speak from some experience.


I know of some other fantasy universes that have Dwarf Women with beards. If done right it could work. Least that is just my take on that bit at least.