Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Same for me isn’t earth shattering, but I fear the outcome isn’t going to have quite the effects some were hoping for… because I can see some creating characters to mock, I can see pronouns used to deny access to raids.


If people want to be jerks about it in game, then it’s likely they’ll find themselves squelched, suspended, and possibly eventually banned. No loss there, let the trash take itself out.


Thats not necessarily a bad thing.

Let those who would exclude others based on their identity out themselves. I wouldnt want to play with them in the first place, so it will make it easier to avoid them…or if they cross the line into harrasment, it makes it easier to remove them from the community


But you understand it doesn’t have to be like that right? The people who have an issue with this absolutely 100% have the ability to control themselves.

It’s sort of like saying a woman can’t wear a halter top because they’re gonna get cat called… Sure if the man or woman doesn’t know how to control themselves.

I guess I would rather take a chance on appealing to people’s human kindness than to be afraid of making changes because of their Inability to grow or tolerate people.

I guess my question would be why are we thinking of catering to those people if they’re just jerks to begin with?


My friends.

They’re dragons. They won’t necessarily have the same gender dimorphism as humans from Earth. Or any dimorphism at all. Which is why that’s just choices.

And the visage is just an illusion. It doesn’t have to reflect the gender of the Dracthyr.

So, we get to pick what gender our character is. Because there’s not an “if x trait, then y gender” set up. It is not a big deal or a grand statement.

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As someone who is older than they’d wish, and has been around the world and met more people then they’d thought could ever exist, I can categorically say that people are scumbags and one should always assume the worst in people, and prepare accordingly. It’s why we have fences with locked gates around our properties, why we lock our cars, why we have concealed carry, why there is armed security at many public buildings… etc.

If you do NOT ‘cater’ to those people, you make victims of everyone else. This decision is not Blizzard erring on the side of safety, consideration, or practicality. It is Blizzard, as you accurately pointed out, pandering to a very small percentage of the player population, most likely in an effort to repair their own damaged reputation and public image.

If you assume the worst in people, you are never disappointed, but occasionally surprised.

Pessimistic perhaps, but that mentality has literally kept me alive.


I agree. But if you never challenge the status quo youre (collective) to blame if it sucks.

Change is uncomfortable but necessary to grow

If the status quo is men are men and women are women, then I’ll happily defend the status quo.

My lived experience, I imagine, is drastically different from that of your average forumgoer.


I think only dwarven women can pull off the bearded lady look.

anything else looks like a sideshow act.


I’m very confused looking at that picture


See you’re still clinging to the idea that it’s one or the other.

Men are still men. A small fractal of men want to be called women. Who cares? Men didnt disappear

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Are you looking down and yelling “stop it!”. heheh


Finally, my female dwarves can have beards like they’ve always wanted! Cool cats :sunglasses:

How? It’s the superior female dwarf.


I think you’re going to find Blizz isn’t going to, unless there is obvious harassment, but them confronting someone who has made a mocking character? no way to prove that and Blizz certainly isn’t going to go out on that limb, in fear of being wrong, they allow people to be kept out and booted from raids now for reasons? how are they going to prove a person was kept out of a raid because of their pronoun?

To be fair, folks that would do this are also generally confrontational and will make themselves known.


No Male and female

I am late but, why can’t we just have both? I mean, if one wants to consider themselves as body type W, and someone else wants to be considered a man, why should it be just one way or the other?

I mean, I am a man, if someone else wants to consider themselves as body type S then, ok.

This has been an interesting day.

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Being called a woman, and being a woman, are two very different things. One can call themselves whatever they want. And I’ll refer to them as I see em, even as what they wish to be referred to as, provided the person in question isn’t a jerk about things. If it’s one of those ‘IT’S MA’AM!!!11!’ type people, then they can go take a walk. I start with courtesy, until courtesy is no longer deserved.

But when I am essentially made to play these pronoun games that I don’t want to participate in, then I, like an actual majority of players, don’t much like that.


No one’s forcing you too. You have the option of simply ignoring it/not speaking or using proper nouns (name)