Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

You speak for all? Very impressive

So is Blizzard.

They can’t sweep away their misdeeds with gender neutral gloss.

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Yes. Yes they are

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Lol,you win this round sir! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OP has a point. If we are just dealing in generic body types, then the entire concept of certain hair styles for example being locked to specific body types renders the entire affair moot.

It…it couldn’t be that Blizz just made a half-hearted token gesture that in no way had anything to do with the fight for equality and instead just did whatever would cost the least amount of dev resources so they can virtue signal proudly… surely not! :face_with_monocle:

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Your obsession with levels is bizarre, to say the least.


I’m going to call BS on that one having read the “argument” from this thread. They aren’t any better here either, but because the one you’re opposing is coming off like a complete toolbag does not mean you also aren’t one. Sometimes they have valid points, sometimes they don’t. I imagine you are the same way so don’t think this is a hostility towards you specifically, I imagine you have your good moments too but this certainly is not a good representation of yourself. You’re more likely someone who gives out low effort insults when they are backed into a corner then projects their personal feelings onto other people then saying you “owned them so bad.”

This tends to happen a lot with people of a let’s just say certain ideological background, they begin giving out nonarguments, or just clearly having an aversion to putting forth any modicum of effort into the actual discussion because rather than a discussion to convince, you people tend to see it more like a moral battle of sorts. So you can give a well reasoned argument and they just get petty and dismissive screaming some random buzzword, bigot seems to be the hot one lately.

People who might even agree with the line of thinking have a really hard time siding with sanctimonious individuals which you definitely come off as.

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Only when the other person is clearly arguing in bad faith.

I attempted to engage with Buttercleave in a respectful manner but he wasn’t having it. He immediately started accusing me of being someone else in the original thread I was in with him and wouldn’t answer my questions or engage with my points, and so it was pretty clear to me that nothing good or productive was going to come out of a conversation with him.

I left it at that (which is why I forgot about him to begin with), only to find out that he’s still jumping into other threads and slandering me when I’m not even present or talking to him. That’s why I said he’s infatuated with me.

Well see, that’s the thing: You assume that I’m actually trying to have an argument with Buttercleave. I’m not. I know from firsthand experience that nothing good will actually come out of talking to him like an adult.

There’s literally evidence of this in the thread. Someone asked him a question and he immediately accused said person of being my alt and then never answered their question and even teased them for being low level. In what world would I ever actually try to put forth an argument with someone so incapable of doing the simplest of tasks?

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I’m going to need proof of a claim like this, sorry. I see a lot of habitual bad faither arguers scream that other people argue in bad faith. Myself included in this, I recognize a lot of familiar names and when they start arguing with me I just don’t take anything they have to say seriously because I did the song and dance with them before, but they’ll then turn around saying I’m arguing in bad faith.

It really is a toxic relationship of sorts with people like that I have no doubts you’ve at least experienced from time to time. People chime in you clearly know from precedent aren’t going to give you an actual discussion. You ignore them and they just keep going on about how you rage quit the discussion or are afraid of them, so you feel compelled to try and give them a discussion only for it to go the exact way you were expected and tried to avoid because of. A certain night elf priest, and a worgen mage, and a former poster here that was a dwarf hunter that used to try and bait you into even the smallest thing they could call a personal attack and tell people to report you come to mind here.

This I can actually understand so I will apologize on that, I will need to find said discussion for myself to be 100% sure but I can definitely see that having happened and thus the apology.

Relatable, very relatable, and a certain night elf priest still does not understand why I do not like engaging with them because of this exact thing. Last time I had anything similar to a discussion with them they decided to call me “self-hating” because I said something they disagreed with, because I guess my sexuality means I need to blindly support the posts of a certain poster everyone at this point is acquainted with that does more harm than good with their obnoxious personality. And by personality, I mean they don’t have one, make their sexual orientation their identity and have to remind everyone of it every 10 minutes while they make demands in the name of that demographic which alienates people.

BPRT is all I’m giving regarding identities on those posters because to name them and not in a way of worship is apparently anti code of conduct here or some crap.

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Look no further than Buttercleave’s post history then. I’m sure there are plenty of instances you can find of this very thing. He doesn’t want to have a conversation. He wants to instigate others and then tease them for getting upset (not very well, mind you, but that’s his intention, nonetheless).

Fair, but I believe the thread was deleted or unlisted since it was a T thread.

Isn’t it funny how because Blizzard is so afraid of him throwing “xyz-phobic” out as a claim if he gets actioned they allow him to just go free of punishment entirely? Anyone who did a fraction of the crap he did would be perma’d so fast.


The problem is that even if you respectfully disagree with someone’s politics, the opposition always appears hostile. So when the left says “I was born a girl but I know I am a boy” and the right believes “you are a girl and May have masculine traits.” The right refuses to call the left by their new personally fit pronouns, and the left considers it hatespeach. So who gets in trouble? It’s always the right for not following down a rabbit hole in which they don’t believe.

I’d say it’s more that politics essentially boil down to faith based arguments at the end of the day. There are no facts that are concrete, there are “facts” sure but it isn’t a fact when I can find five studies on both sides saying the polar opposite thing based on the crtieria they choose to include or exclude. There was a big scandal of this a few years ago with some group of scientists posting bogus studies and them getting peer reviewed and into scientific journals that had absolutely no rational backing to them and just said the right thing. One of those was saying dog parks promote a culture of the sexual assault variety, I know for a fact I can’t use the actual word here but I imagine you can do the math. If you need another hint, it’s what a lot of older gamers would describe as having happened to them if they got completely destroyed in pvp and got Reckful in trouble a fair few times (RIP Byron, miss you so much buddy).

I think judging by the way the wind blows, it’s about to go in the opposite direction. More people are getting sick of a lot of the talking points as time goes on because we learn it’s never enough, I speak for independent voters here or people ideologically on the fence of sorts because we see merits in both sides on varying issues.

The further issue to this is because as one side gets more extreme, the other side gets equally if not more extreme in response. Like we’ve gone from “We just want our identities to be respected” to “Your 12 year old said so, and if you disagree with them then that’s child abuse and we need legislation that allows your kids to be taken away from you!” Which is the real kicker why people are starting to get sick of one side, they are starting to creep into areas that people will NEVER be rational about and have no reason to be. Same thing with a certain practice that was never truly passed but was precedent for 40 years, people complained but nothing was done about it until Virginia decided to pass it in a “partial birth” sense when most people on average have a cutoff of 5 months, after that they start feeling increasingly negative to the idea.

It’s literally just a text label for a button.

Calm down.


Exactly and well said. A good bit of the frustration and “jokes” in society over this is because rules of communication and etiquette (for lack of better wording) are being asked of the vast majority to change for the (comparatively) vast minority. But it’s not just that. It’s if you go against that grain or say that is silly people are going “ok you are human trash you are a bigot you are a horrible person” . For doing NOTHING mind you but saying “yeah this is silly, I’m not going out of my way to remember to call you that”.

Finally the logic is hypocrisy in itself again it’s the majority being asked to bend for the minority. To which they say “really your upset over someone wants to be called (this) instead of (that)!” …well that goes both ways.

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Lol, this is todays put down? Your obsession with me is starting to get A little creepy Rudy. Now jump on a bunch of your freshly made lvl 10 alts and upvote yourself. What a joke lol

As I understand you think you’re the expert on me (very creepy.). But I post because I don’t like bullies. And it turns out, you’re a first rate bully. You’re the villain of your own story. Everything you post is negative and the hostility and name calling are off the charts. That’s why I post. Even if you think I don’t do it very well. Lol

Hahaha. Did ya. Now? I must be as dumb as you constantly state, because I don’t remember you EVER being respectful to someone that disagreed with you.

Oh my god, it’s still going :scream: I just woke up to check a notification here.

I’m not the one accusing everyone else of being your alt because of one exchange we had. I’m just making fun of you while I drink my morning coffee and play New World. I’m sure that once I’ve tired of this thread I will, once again, forget who you are.

Again, leaning into the thing I said you were doing is not exactly a way to prove yourself right in this situation.

What a hero, defending the WoW forums from us bullies.

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Nobody Cares…

If only this were true….

At least we agree on something….