Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Who is Rudy, by the way? He accused me of being this person upwards of 3 times.

I feel like he doesn’t have an argument to give and just wants to upset people enough so that he can point fingers and go “Look how upset you are!!!”


I want to be a bearded man bear pig

I have no idea, probably a straw man he made up



Buttercleave is referring to me.

He’s been infatuated with me ever since I clowned on him in a thread and made him look like the fool he is. I imagine he has some coping issues with how badly he was clowned on and now needs to accuse everyone of being the same person to make himself look better.

The funniest part is that I couldn’t even remember him the day after and had to go back through my previous posts to figure out his inclination towards accusing everyone of being me.

Careful, people will start to think you have a crush on me. And we know how you feel about LGBTQ+ people.


So many put downs and names in one paragraph! Impressive!

Rudy has like 100 alts he posts on. All lvl tens. And nobody is infatuated with him here. Just like in real life I’m betting lol

And how do I feel about gay people Rudy? Just because I think you’re toxic and hateful doesn’t mean I don’t like gay people. You’re not the sum extent of that group.

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Inclined to agree. Dude clearly has some weird yearning and burning over this one Dwarf.

Maybe his vulgar homphobia is just his way of coping with being a bottom.


Doing the very thing I just said you were doing as a means to make yourself look better is certainly a decision. Not one thought out very well, but most assuredly a decision nonetheless.

In case it wasn’t clear, Buttercleave:

I don’t need 100 alts to make you look silly. I’ve routinely done it on this toon alone.


I think having a fat-male kul tiran body with boobs and female customizations would be cool. having a fat gal that big

WoOoO~~~ :ghost: Im the super spooky Rudy here to haunt you~~~


More fat and skinny characters in general. Why everyone gotta be swole?


People like you have co-opted the struggles of gay people that had to deal with real bigotry and hatred back in the day. Now you’re just angry people that attack those that think differently. These posts for instance…

You’re the same coin just different sides of the ones you claim to hate

Yes, middle aged gay men coopted the struggles of… middle aged gay men… are you feeling okay?

Must be hard being a bigot in a world that no longer tolerates your filth.


I haven’t even had the chance to tell him he’s been spelling my name wrong this entire time. I feel like it would shatter his world and break his heart.


Again with the name calling…. So sad

You cant expect this gutter troll to also be literate. Thats asking too much.


Hahaha you think I didn’t know that Rudy!?

I think you dont know that. I think youre a semi-functional high school drop out.


Ohhh so mean!!!

Im sorry, I dont speak bottom.