Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

But arnt you just as upset at the people that are upset? Why can you be upset at their views, but not them yours? Are your concerns and wants more important than theirs?

I’m sorry that you’re unable to determine your own gender unless Blizz tells you.


maybe now we will have accurate dwarven females. with full beards


What exactly do they have to be upset over

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Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You can still identify as a male or female in-game, chief.

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Did you seriously necro this thread just to virtue signal to the other bigots and hate mongers? We get it, your masculinity is more fragile than wet paper in a wind storm.


What do you? You’re all being ridiculous.

What’s a necro?

Someone basically taking a thread that hasn’t been commented in in a long time like a week to a month then commenting on it. It brings it back up to the top again where people can see it.

Ahh gotcha. Thank you for the info

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I’m not upset. I asked you a question


You seem upset to me. If you didn’t care, why post? And sorry, I don’t take any low lvl char seriously. Most of you are 2-3 people trying to seem Like you’re 30-40 lol

That you Rudy?

I never said I didn’t care and I don’t think me caring constitutes me being upset. I asked you a simple question.


And I asked you the same. You don’t get to make demands of me kid. Who do you think you are? You get to ask, just like I did. You arnt owed anything. And you would have to ask them that question. I don’t answer for others.

Very level-headed response to a very simple question.


Ya got me Rudy lol. And for a kid demanding answers, you don’t seem to give any.

I’m sure they did and a lot of companies are doing it and it seems almost spiteful.

But hey, money talks in the end.

Son, if you don’t understand the concept of a discussion then I struggle to understand why you’re here. It’s a forum designed for discussion. See the “General Discussion” tab at the top? I ask you a question, you answer, you ask me a question, I answer. That’s just the basic foundation of any discussion. I asked you a question and you proceeded to lose your mind at the prospect of answering it.

You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want but I’m just letting you know that you clearly have issues with comprehending basic concepts.

EDIT: Word choice



Annnnnd here we go with the put downs lol. You don’t even have the convictions of your arguments to post on a main. Also, your bulling tactics are hurting your arguments. Makes it hard for people on the fence to want to back your play