Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

So you assumed. You know what the first 3 letters of assume are! :smiley:

Also aren’t drakthyr supposed to be like science experiments or something that can’t reproduce? I keep seeing that thrown around but I haven’t been keeping up with all the lore mumbo jumbo.

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Four body types, yes. Skinny, slightly less skinny, even less slightly skinny, and slightly buff (these are names I have given them off the top of my head as they are just labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4).

They’re at the top, but again they are still there regardless of the internationally recognized male and female symbols and labels changing from Male and Female to Body 1 and Body 2 and are, once again, the Body Type options are separate from the Body options.

Exactly, which is why those options are NOT where Male and Female was but instead alongside other race-specific options like skin color and hairstyles! It’s almost like you aren’t reading what I typed…

NO, I determined it based off of all the factors she decided to present to me, and based off all that information made my determination. Now about those first three letters…

I don’t think they had hair transplant and hormone pills back then like they have today :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: seriously are the pronouns not enough. If you are trans person you can choose desired body type and desired pronoun. Does the female really requires bear option?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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How ironic haha

Nope you assumed. =) They could have been talking about anyone really and you assumed they was a male.

But anyway…
At the end of the day it’s all just a bunch of:

That was the main point I was trying to make. All the back and forth over what? What’s in someone’s pants?

If those were the only features that person had, they wouldn’t be a human in the first place.

And it remains unmade.

That was the point. =)

I’m saying I suspect that that’s why the UI was updated.

… and maybe down the line, I can be a buff lady blood elf.

What you guys wanna do to female models its just sad :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Again, those Body Type options are not where the Male and Female options are on live nor where the Body 1 and Body 2 options are on alpha; they are with the race-specific customizations options like skin color and hairstyles. Third time’s the charm, so I hope you comprehend the text now.

I comprehend. I just fail to see the relevance.

Oh look, the guy who dodges questions is back. Hello guy.


You, and many others, keep claiming Male and Female were changed to Body 1 and Body 2 because of Dracthyr having four Body Type options when they are unrelated. See it now?



One last time, then I’ll stop biting on the bait: Body 1 and Body 2 only pertain to the Visage forms whereas the Body Types only pertain to the Dracthyr form.

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I agree completely!

And the fancy skin suit illusion Dracthyr wear to interact with squishy folk is certainly fun… But needn’t be any reflection of their actual gender unless they want it to be.

Oh sorry that was me. I ate beans.

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Translation: no reason.

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