Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

But I have broad-shoulders, muscular, and a strong jaw.

You said only with those indicators. I told you what I am.

But… how would you know unless… I told you? :open_mouth:

You only have those features and nothing else?

Oh I have a hairy chest and legs does that also count?

Anything else?

I can grow a beard if I chose to and I have a deeper voice.

I got three this weekend, judging by the nasty notes I got in the morning.

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Oh I’m laughing my rear end off xD haha

But wait, people are mailing you nasty notes?

I’ll stop beating around the bush and address the issue I guess, as you intend to draw this out for what I only assume as fishing for a “gotcha moment”: You twisted a conversation about distinguishing male from female and vice versa in appearance to having certain traits makes you male or female, when I never said nor implied the latter.

It’s interesting watching the back and forth.

So then what did you mean? By off of an appearance you can judge someone’s sex?

Na honestly I was curious on your response.

Nope, I just repeated stuff you said.

Oof that’s harsh. =(

What I have said that entire conversation: With the more factors you take into account, the more accurate you are in determining someone’s sex based off of appearance only.

I can also take your responses out of context, fragment and rearrange them, and present them in a specific way to completely change their meaning and intent all the while they are still “stuff you said.”

Ok, so in that case, don’t assume people’s sex. Straight and simple.

Go ahead. I want to see what you come up with.

So… To reiterate.

Dracthyr’s main forms have 4 body types, not tied directly or prohibitively to gender. Presumably they were designed that way because they’re magic flying lizard alligator birds.

Thus, the UI needed an update. and male/female wouldn’t suffice because, again, 4 forms not tied to gender. SO Blizzard moved things to make the new species work and POTENTIALLY add some options and absolutely some player choice for every species.

Somehow, my pearls remain unclutched.

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Omg I love this. I googled that and got this:

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I don’t assume, because I can figure it out as I’ve explained in the simplest way possible multiple times.

So you just repeated the same falsehood, this time in a word salad… Okay, but I’m not sure what you hoped to achieve.

I can break down any long words if you need.

The. Old. Character. Creation. UI. Would. Not. Work. For. Dracthyr.

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You go off external features that you view as one way or the other… but that’s an assume. You know what the first 3 letters of assume are. =)

You don’t know unless someone tells you (like I did previously). Plus our wow toons I’m sure aren’t “anatomically correct” or have “genetics.”

lol drakthyr in their dragon form don’t have boobs or broad shoulders they won’t be able to tell the difference and get confused XD

How? They still use only the Body 1 and Body 2 options in the alpha and the Body Type options are in their specific race’s customization just like skin colors and hairstyles.

Still never said that.

They’re going to be released with 4 bodies, yes?

So ye olde Venus and Mars alchemical symbols at the bottom of the screen wouldn’t help. Especially since none of the bodies correspond to those.

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