Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Because maybe they found a better way to keep things organized.
It’s just a name change nothing in the game has actually changed but the name.

stop asking everyone why they made the change and ask blizzard. But my God to be upset over a name change is ridiculous.
You can’t tell me you’re not feeling anger about something else because I just can’t fathom this being a big deal.

“my god”

Who is projecting now? You aren’t entitled to every little thing you ask for. This must be upsetting for you.

Also, I don’t see anything particularly “better” about the name change inclusion, and certainly nothing to improve organization as you claim.

It’s a truly pointless change, made to satisfy the very rabid and vocal minority of people who are looking for attention any way they can find it.

And with that I leave Sasarai the gender troll to contemplate how to further find victimization in being denied attention. Good day.

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id love to have both male and female options open for both body options.

1st of all I didn’t ask for this. I just accepted it because it doesn’t negatively affect me (or you. Thats the best part).

Not everything people asked for get put in the game. We don’t make the decisions. Blizzard decided to.

You can dislike the decision all you want, Lord knows I mocked them incessantly for the Valentine’s rocket name change… but at certain point you’re just going to have to accept it

The new ‘body types’ are not androgynous, otherwise you could have the second type be topless. They’re clearly male and female. Somebody just got the bright idea to re-label 8 year old models and try to pass them off as new customization by saying you can ‘choose’ the gender now (probably to save money from making actual new body meshes, which is a lot of work). I hope I’m wrong about this since this was datamined from alpha, but this is the same company that promised dance studio and aerial dogfights on the WotLK box, soo…


It is in the sense that you can change your gender based on a difference of what your body would traditionally look like. That’s all I meant

No one asked you, since you answered a quote directed at someone else but are seemingly unaware of what a reply is.

I am a muscular woman that can grow a beard has a deep voice and probably Has more chest hair than you.

I have broad shoulders as well.

This was just the way I was born and the way I was made By the Lord above.

What about me then?

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in defense of that other person.
you are a vulpera.
99% hair/fur

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I meant IRL. That made me Laugh. That was good I liked that. Lol

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real life dosnt exsist silly!

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You said so yourself:

Exceptions do not prove the rule.

This is a public forum and people can reply to posts regardless of who they were originally written for. At the end of the day, no, what someone feels about gender probably has nothing to with questioning the changes. You’re not even the first person who’s asked that here, because ‘muh insecurity boogeyman’ seems to keep getting brought up in these threads as a way to troll people wondering why the body labels were changed.

Exactly. Unfortunately, a lot of genuine people of the LGBTQ+ community are receiving tremendous amounts of backlash over this.

Also true. Its nice for people who wanted them, doesn’t really affect anyone else.

I think that one side is creating a lot of strife and damage by coming to the forums and making a fuss. As I said, it is like the world has ended. People are expressing extreme amounts of frustration and anger over the buttons that I can’t wrap my head around. The community itself is the cause of the division, not the implementation of some buttons.

I think it is fair to feel this way, but at the same time, people have the choice with what they take away from this. For some, it’ll do absolutely nothing for their gameplay. They’ll continue on continuing on with no harm done. For others, it may help them feel more included and welcome. Who knows, that’s the goal right? And for a select few, they are choosing to quit over this, so that is a personal choice. But regardless of how someone chooses to respond, it is happening. The choice has been made by Blizzard. Players can decide on whether or not its an issue for them from there. For me, it won’t be.

body 1 , 2 or freak show

no that makes to much sense and if they did that they will have to cut a raid tier LOL

But according to “the rule” I don’t exist.

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I’d stop arguing with that tool. He’s doing it on purpose to get you aggravated and make a mistake. Put him on ignore and do not respond to him, he can’t do anything to you, he has no power other than what you give him, he’s a coward behind screen.

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No, that’s not what I said. I said going by ONLY the indicators of broad-shoulder, muscular, and strong jaw is male, and I was INCREDIBLY clear on that.