Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Entirely predictable, completely disappointing.

You meant the paintings. Well according to some people, the issue was they were sexualizing women. Is that not an issue?

Should all animations be unrealistic? The issue was that they were not depicted accurately.

Updating the user interface was a part of fixing the latency.

Plenty of people will state the contrary, that the lack of a Dark Ranger option - whether it be a class, race, or customization options - is an issue.

What are you talking about? Class Halls were added in Legion and belong to a CLASS, hence the name, not a faction city like Orgrimmar.

You missed the point: I asked for examples yet you can only give two that meet your self-imposed criteria.

This debate has gotten a little exhausting and silly to me. Examples were mentioned for your question with my reasoning behind them, and you’re avoiding the topic that was originally addressed which is the body buttons. Are they an issue to you?

Edit: The class hall. Where all of the class trainers are stationed. Not the ones in Legion.

Hunter caught in her own trap.

You’re avoiding my question, twice now, so the debate has expired in usefulness. Oh well.

Pot calling the kettle black.

The one that… Has a fresh egg it just laid?

Maybe the bigger one, like it is in bald eagles. Maybe there’s not a lot of dimorphism, like most lizards and some birds. Who knows? You could try asking them.


I’ve answered yours. I’m just tired of repeating the answers. You haven’t answered mine.

“Answered” meaning spewed false information then completely avoiding the conversation after you were called out. Don’t be mad when you use such childish and immature tactics to try to win an argument then those tactics are used on you. Though, you are as typical of a forum poster that there is, so keep going I guess?

I am so baffled by what a big deal this apparently is.

Dracthyr come out with 4 body types and no major dimorphism. UI updated to reflect that, streamlined across all races so you’re not selecting different buttons if you’re playing different species.

General: This is clearly a dramatic and sweeping statement of grave import by Blizzard AND I FOR ONE WON’T STAND FOR IT.


My information was both accurate and true. I provided ample examples of changes that were made to non issues. You poked them apart with your stick because you realized that this is a trend that Blizzard does that works against your original argument. My answers stand on their own without your dissections, which you are free to do, but are exhausting to address when you move goalposts.

Childish and immature? I answered your questions, twice actually, yet you’ve avoided all of mine. And I haven’t resorted to any insults. I was under the impression that this was a hardy debate that went sour when you became avoiding.

You are an expert at avoiding questions. You still haven’t answered them. You’re just running in circles now. I’ll ask a third time: Are the buttons an issue to you, or are you making them an issue for no reason? Why do they upset you?

Edit: Hours later and the poster has not answered the question, so I’ll take my W. :fist:

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Well, they dont look at these forums so that may have been the reason they didnt have a sense of what little it takes to trigger these sloths*.

*I enjoy sloths and find them entertaining… no offense meant to any sloth-like posters.

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Body 1 and body 2 are the results of requests/demands made to remove gender from the game, as pronouns were.
The forums have been smeared with these ’ requests ’ for some time now. With those who disagreed unsurprisingly being called ’ phobic ’ in one way or another.

The only people I’ve seen request such extreme changes are trolls, to be honest. I’ve seen plenty of good faith requests for pronouns and body diversity, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a request that asks for the buttons to be relabeled. And if so, they’re just buttons. It’s really a nonissue at the end of the day. Plus the inclusion of voice choice and body sliders really opens up a lot of opportunities for future customization which is a great sign.

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They were all troll posts as far as I’m concerned.
The buttons are irrelevant really, as they are just a simple function attached to the removal of gender itself.
Voice changing, and body sliders are fine. Many other games have always had those.
The main issue is the injection of a RL gender ideology that has no place in-game, and will only succeed in causing strife.
I was curious why Blizz insisted on players having to accept, again, a specific section of the ULA awhile ago. But after these new changes were revealed, I knew why.
If social media is anything to go by, this game is going to become a S show. I’m glad I won’t be here to see it.
As an aside, I have no issue with what others do with their lives, bedrooms or whatever. I just think that in-game, those things should be irrelevant.


I love when people think they can decide what “has a place” in game and what doesn’t. The entitlement is strong in this one.

Your lack of awareness is legendary…

The irony…

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Elaborate pleaseeeee. I’m begging you

Ok simple-simon…
You have one group demanding that an ideology be injected into a fantasy game, and another group trying to explain that it’s a fantasy game, and that the ideology is incompatible and has no place. And you say the second group are the one’s demanding what has a place or not… :man_facepalming:
I know this is going to go over your head. But you did ask for an explanation.


Who’s talking about groups? I pointed out that you specifically are acting like you know what belongs in game and what doesn’t.

Don’t act like you’re part of some hive mind lmao, take responsibility for your entitled and false statements.

You literally are. Also I never said that the “first group” wasn’t demanding anything. Appreciate you trying to put words in my mouth though.

I think you trying to act smart but failing miserably has sorta run it’s course on this thread lol.