Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Although I share your sentiment and it is indeed a valid one, there is a language filter. If more people used it, there would be less offended people.

Nope, but it’s clear that one is the ‘good’ set of nipples, and the other is the ‘evil’ set of nipples. Otherwise we would have freed the nipples a long time ago.

This greatly displeases Slaanesh.

it’s clear

Can you further elaborate upon this clarity for me?

I like how everyone in this thread see’s you bring up a completely legitimate point and then immediately cast you down as if you’re some sort of hater. I personally don’t agree with the change, seems really silly to me, but that’s my opinion.


One set, male nipples, can be printed in the newspaper.
Males can walk about shirtless.
Men can appear topless in basically all media without question or censor.

Female nipples cannot do those things because they are viewed as pornagraphic, evil, seductive, and ultimately bad.

Nipples are neither of those things, they just exist.

I think it’s silly that, in a society that can actually split atoms, explore space, and decipher the genome that we’re still ultimately hung up on nipples and can’t move past stone age ideas of sexuality.

For it’s time Minos was one of the most advanced civilizations on Earth, and everyone showed off their nipples. What a difference it would have made if Minoan culture had spread and this weird taboo of nipple hate hadn’t caught on.


The minoan people alse were not infected with the abrahamic religious mind virus, either. What does this tell you about who is in control of your body rights?

Really hope not, to be honest. (Some games, maybe, but WoW has zero real world resemblance. Where New World is based on actual earth. But I digress.) The whole w/e you call it, is a bit excessive now. You’ve been handed you cake, now sit down and eat it!

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A friend did some charity work in South Sudan and the whole thing there was the back of the calf.

Women would walk about in what would be considered very scandalous outfits here, basically just long skirts, but she couldn’t leave her trailer with shorts on because it would expose the back of her lower leg and would be offensive to women and scandalous to men. Whereas by contrast they didn’t care 1 bit about nipples.

TLDR all gender censorship is just silly. We kind of all go along with it because it’s our own culture’s taboos but ultimately I think that deep down inside we all agree it’s stupidity for the sake of stupidity.

Language filter or not it still exists. I am not offend- basically because I end up calling them Big Mouths or some other smart remark due to their bad mouths. People can see what I write back. I do it basically to take the edge off of others that might feel they haven’t done their best and take the Negativity seriously~ I have been like this for years. BG’s are a real mess at the moment, and there is a lot of unwanted frustration thrown around (verbal wise).

Oh I totally agree; people are toxic and even I hate using that word but we must accept that this is human nature and we can’t punish people for it, only develop tools to remove their voice from our bubble. Punishing people for being loud and rude, even offensive, is a slippery slope that ends with no one speaking for fear of being reported for even the smallest slight, and that’s something we must ever be wary of; totalitarian censorship of ‘wrongthink’. Eventually, and we’re heading down this path right now, there will BE NO WoW community, no communication to other players in an “MMO” unless you’re some verified idiot who has been approved to even speak at all.

It wasn’t harming anyone before the change


So if it didn’t harm anyone then, and it isn’t harming anyone now, why are we making this an issue?


at this point if they do impliment it for real and they have their pronouns in their character info for queues also put them on ignore and decline them all as you know they are people to avoid like cancer.


You’re so fragile.

Female dwarves already had beards, lad. You just didn’t look far enough down.


I don’t know, why did Blizzard decide to make it an issue when it wasn’t harming anyone?

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Blizzard didn’t make it an issue. They made a button change. It’s all the fragile egos making it an issue. Without the wowhead article, I’m sure most people wouldn’t have even noticed.

They did; they changed it.

They should have done it right: male, female and androgenous body types - with more customizations for each whilst keeping the gender identity customization. Then everybody is happy.

Yes, they change many things. That’s called an expansion.