Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

You know what.

I want beards for body type 2.

Flat chest for body type 2 as well.

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I’ll be removing people from groups based on character appearance in DF.


It is harmful though. Exposing children to identity-confusing terms and visuals can and often does, such as in your case, lead to permanent gender dysphoria and lifelong suffering over identity politics, often resulting in a massive lowering of self confidence and self esteem, and at the extreme end self harm.

Think of the children, Sasarai. But not in a exploitive way. Thank you. Grooming children is harmful and dangerous.


Women have beards. Certain hormonal conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can cause thick hair growth on the face of females. Besides dwarf women should have beards and they are proud of them. It’s like a known fantasy rule. If blizz wants to add all these inclusivity options then bearded ladies should be apart of it as are options of alopecia too.

Female DWARVES have beards. Not general ‘females’ and the medical condition you’re describing certainly is not a beard, plus Blizzard is pretty smart about leaving out unrelated real life medical conditions which have no bearing on the in-game fantasy. Try again.

Sweetie, I have PCOS and a lady beard. Please try to mansplain some more about medical conditions I am personally privy too and you’re not.


DID YOU JUST MISGENDER ME!? Misgendering is violence. I will have to report you to the FBI before you go on a school rampage, lady beard.

Also lul worthy

Blizzard should include every single medical condition known to man in their fantasy game so I feel included REEEreEEEEee!

Touch grass, reconnect with reality. And then remember you play WoW to escape yours.


Wow, you are a real try hard aren’t you? There is this wonderful tool called therapy and medication that might help you out with your rage and anger issues. Might want to look into that. It helps many people.

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therapy and meds

I’m sure you could tell me all about it, ‘sweetie’.

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bro, you can’t get those requests this patch cycle… making it look like your sister, or yourself is an option… but not your mom…

If ‘Body Type 2’ has to wear a top because it has evil sinful woman nipples in need of censoring, then it’s a female body type.

Free the Nipples has been a movement for decades now. Blizzard, this is your opportunity to catch up.

Side note: Why is female automatically relegated to the second body type and male to the first body type? Guess women still come in second, even in fudging gender equity.

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both men and women, the only two genders that exist among humans, have nipples.


The overbearing scent of Gen A wanes heavily on you. It’s so thick not even Axe Body Spray can help you out.

Have the day you deserve, sweetie. I hope your online immaturity takes you far in life. Maybe write that on your resume and see how many jobs it helps you get in the future.

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2 is a higher and thus more valuable number though, am I wrong in making this assertion? Making men body type one seems to belittle them. Sexist!

wall of hurt feefees blah blah something something body spray??? work implications??? brb shaving my stubble

yes, but one of them is :angel:t5:
Good chaste acceptable male nipples.
Perfectly fit for view in our society!

And the other one is :imp:
Evil sexual sinful female nipples.
Banned and censored to protect us!

There are about 16,000,000,000 human nipples in the world
Of these nipples only about 8,000,000,000 of them are fit for view, with the other 8,000,000,000 in need of censorship.

I shouldn’t have to clarify with a /s here, but I will because wow forums.

(also if someone wants to be a nonbinary gender, why would anyone else care? There’s clearly more than 2 because gender isn’t biology but a form of how you see yourself and wish to interact with your sexuality, or even the lack thereof.)


If people want bearded women, go for it.
I won’t pretend women are born without body hair as much as most prefer to believe.

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Slippery slope. In every great ancient empire to ever fall, the ABC people were at the core of never-ending demands; this time round is no different.

Be careful what you ask for.

The biggest option being far overlooked is how Nice-ness fits into- so called options. This is all fluff. Go stand in a failing pvp group in a BG _ All the issues stated and done are minuscule to being bombarded by nasty mouthed individuals calling people out when our side is not winning. All the woes stated above doesn’t really matter~ This is coming from an elder woman player -Me~ this place is like LALA Land at times*

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Abrahamic faith interjecting aside, it remains an objective fact; men and women have nips. How you personally choose to view them is up to you. I’ve never been harmed by a nipple though, have you?