Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Are there big strong women? Yes

Are they exactly the same as big strong men? No

And that’s not because every human is a unique individual. It’s because Males and Females have big differences, and even more so on the extremes.

If Blizzard was to add buff women it’d be nice if they actually made the effort to make unique buff female models, rather than just saying “use body 1 with female pronoun” - because it just looks like a dude and comes off as very lazy and kind of sexist.

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What I’m hoping is that what we have right now is a first step, and that alternative options can be added to each body type to further expand and customize the figure. So maybe you can shrink the shoulders, or widen the hips, or thicken or make more slender the arms of the individual.

Body Type 1 is not ‘must be male’, body type 1 is ‘thick and muscular’. So add a couple other options for that type. Same with BT2, 3, etc.

That solves every problem, leaves rooms for future expansion, and doesn’t needlessly lock options away between an arbitrary ‘limiter’.

I think this is the problem with pronouns, now because of one person who is different I have to ask everyone else their pronouns or I might offend them. Then you have people just making ones up or trying to identify as animals or objects. Just makes me lose any respect for pronouns and feel sorry for the poor souls just trying to make it through a mostly normal life.

Firstly, it’s not some herculean labor to simply add ‘what are your preferred pronouns’ alongside a ‘what is your name’. It’s just a little mental tweak that makes the world a lot better for everyone. Secondly, in WoW at least, that information will be available at-a-glance with this new system, so you needn’t even ask, you just know on-the-spot if it comes up.

When you first meet someone you ask them what their preferred pronouns are?

Yes, it’s a basic courtesy. I won’t lie, it took a little bit to make less clunky, but the initial adjustment was worth the smooth sailing afterward and has made life much easier.

So, if I don’t ask I’m being rude?

Not by default, but if you go to assume someone’s pronouns you might get corrected. I figure it’s better to just get the information out there lest confusion and possible offense happen.

That’s good to hear. I don’t like being rude.

Actually I never had that come up. At a store, I look at the name tag and say their name, or just ask what their name is, if they actually talk to you. Most of the time, It’s “good Morning/Afternoon and how was your day and did you find what you needed.”

The only time it happens to me is at the drive through and the speaker calls me Mam. I go to the window, grin, pay for my food and move on. I look like a 6’2" biker with a Gerry Garcia Beard.

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Height, weight, eyelashes, hairstyle and hair length, eyebrows, nose, cheeks… And that is just the silhouette and face… There are LOTS of factors that help people distinguish male from female and vice versa.

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Certainly doesn’t make the world better for me because I find it to be nonsense and a waste of time. I don’t really care what you identify as, it’s a waste of my mental effort to remember. What’s the worst that can happen to me, is someone going to physically hurt me because I don’t remember, are they going to curl into a ball and cry?

So, doe-eyed, tall, slender nose, pronounced dimples, but also on the heavy weight side of things.

What sex is the above individual?

Also, hairstyle, eyelashes, hair length, those are all freely customizable between any gender, are you high? If, and I’m going to assume you mean hair length as in ‘a woman has long hair’, a woman cuts their hair or even fully shaves it, do they cease being a woman?

I mean, if you misgender them intentionally, that’ll eventually be actionable if you keep it up. It’s the same as being rude and singling out a particular individual for harmless behavior.

Who am I to stop someone who would like to play a female that has a beard because that’s how they identify.

This is a perfect way to introduce relaxing all transmog restrictions and let us wear whatever armor we like. Easy peasy.

Not what I said, but with only those descriptors: female.

Again, this is easy. Why are you so confused?

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Because you’re assuming a man cannot have doe-y eyes, or a slender nose, or pronounced dimples. You’re assuming a woman cannot be muscular. That simply does not make sense.

Never said anything of the sort.

Also never said that.

Which is why I never said either statement.

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First question: yes. Second question: no.

This is exactly what’s wrong with it, because I won’t play the little pronoun minigame, that’s 100% in the persons head and only affects their feelings, I would be punished.