Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

Male Kult Tiran in a pink dress?

[quote=“Kiofea-dalaran, post:201, topic:1279911, full:true”]

“Started as?” Not terminology I would use. Seeing as how “Body 1” and “Body 2” are just male and female respectfully in World of Warcraft, then male and female. Any more questions?

Again, you don’t know if a ‘Body 1’ character is male or female because they may use different pronouns, or just be a very muscular woman.

If someone chooses ‘Type 1’ and then chooses ‘he/him’, they have made a male character, the same as if someone chooses ‘Type 2’ and chooses ‘he/him’. Your precious ‘male’ and ‘female’ identities are not gone, they are simply located in a menu that makes more sense to see them in.

Again, as you so eloquently quoted for me:

What the hell is this? You haven’t reinforced your opinion at all, you’re floundering because you can’t know if a body is male or female based on appearance alone. There are many, many other factors that go into identity than that. Moreover, you and yours have been bellyaching about some option being taken away from you when the opposite is true; your options remain, they are simply in new menus that allow for GREATER options overall.

I mean, I agree that the chest divide is a very weird thing (male chests = okay! female chests = the devil!), but they could easily go the way of Twitch and hard-censor any exposed chest.

I mean if you wanna believe the earth is flat and push that belief on others and then call them names if they dont want to live in your little pretend world…i mean i guess it doesnt harm anyone…not physically, just intellectually.


Sex isnt dictated by pronouns. Its dictated by biology.


At least you’re saying ‘sex’ and not ‘gender’ which is a nice change of pace.

That said, biological sex does not matter to one’s own identity. Certainly not to the identity of characters deciding to use a particular body type. If you choose body type one, and then choose she/her pronouns, did you somehow do it wrong?

Pronouns don’t determine sex.

They are the same term in this regard.

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If you see someone with broad shoulders, a hefty musculature, and a strong jaw, what sex are they? Can you answer that question with 100% accuracy? What if they introduce themselves as the opposite gender you expect? Are you going to dispute that?

THAT is my point. You. Don’t. Know. And you’re being rude by saying ‘ahem, I know your identity better than you do.’



That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean they are telling the truth.



Where are the Grizzly, Otter, and Twink body types??

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So, broad-shouldered, muscular women with strong jaws just… Don’t exist?

That’s a hell of a take.

EDIT: What about a body type that’s slender, thick-legged, with a bit of fat on their hips and chests? What sex are they?

You remind me of that idiotic girl that told her mom that she uses the wrong pronouns and said she misgendered her. Her MOM. Thats what you sound like.


Ever see a Pick Up Artist try to neg a woman bodybuilder? I didn’t know a human arm could bend that way, and see a fit muscular guy whimper like a little girl who lost her puppy.

Upset? Hells no. I’m not sure why anyone would be? The possibilities could be endless with these changes. The sheer amount of different combinations that we might be able to create will be the most hilarious thing in the game.

To say these are the only indicators is purposefully painting a blurred image, but going only by these indicators: yes.

Not at all. It is proven to be accurate.

Again with those being the only indicators, female.

This is simple, so I don’t know why you are trying to make this so complicated; sexual dimorphism is easier to discern within your own species (so humans for us).

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My character is a bearded lady in new world, so i hope they dont half bake this inclusivity stuff.


What other factors matter? You’re not getting a look between their legs, so you can go ahead and disregard all of that information. So where do you look to ‘dictate’ a person’s gender, and what if the person says that you’re wrong? Are you simply going to insist that you know better than the person themselves?


I’ve thought of creating a bearded lady in New World. Does it enhance the game play?


Well, you’re no fun.