Body type instead of gender, mean bearded lady?

So many people are offended over the buttons now being labeled “Body 1/Body 2”. It is ridiculous to me. They are buttons.


The Body 1/Body 2 update is in the current Alpha build. There are datamined ID strings from Shadowlands that indicate that setting your pronouns (specifically he/him she/her and they/their) and choosing your character’s voice might happen at some point, but they aren’t included in the current build.

Correct, I’ve been operating under the assumption that blizzard would carry these steps out to the conclusion which I posted, but it is not currently all confirmed or implemented

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I disagree. I’m just a regular old 55-year-old CIS/whatever male and I honestly don’t care.

I feel the same way about where I work; if they suddenly wanted me to “declare my pronoun” then I just would and not even care about it.

Oh boy. Another thread about this.

Hopefully what this means is that they will add more body options so that somebody can make feminine males and masculine females. People have been asking for more body options for ages.

More specific, Chronormu is trans female.

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Sure buddy.

Government forms ask for gender already. It’s stamped on your ID. You already have to provide your pronouns to an official that asks.

That’s all this is. ‘What are your pronouns?’ ‘He/him.’ ‘OK, you’re male then. Thank you.’ ‘No prob, have a fab day.’

The heck it doesn’t.

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‘I play a male character right now, this pronoun thing kills male character concepts!’
‘If I didn’t know your character’s name and class and were referring to them, what pronoun would be used?’

If you play a male character, choose he/him pronouns. Congrats, you are now a male character!

Well recent expansions have been designed in a way that the player is never referred to by gender or pronouns

It’s always “Hero, Champion, Class, Maw-Walker” etc…

Now that they’re catering specifically to pronouns instead of generic terms, they don’t really have room to deny certain pronouns but cater to others

Just wait and see

…But wait, what’s stopping them?

Don’t bother trying to debate their religion.

Female; can’t get more specific than that.

I mean, sure, that’s the ultimate goal of transition anyway to be accepted as a fully-fledged man or woman. Nice to see you’re willing to be so welcoming to folk after such a long journey.

I see you are purposefully trying to twist my words and stance to conform to your agenda, so I won’t be playing your game. Male is male and female is female, sex is not assigned at birth but rather recognized, and no one can identify or transition to another sex because he or she feels like it.

Also, trying to use fictional dragons as a basis of why it should exist in the real world is beyond asinine. These are the same beings that take multiple consorts if they are the head of their flight and do not mate across colors. Do you want to apply that to real life too?


Can you tell me what biological sex a ‘Body Type 1’ character started as? Body Type 2? Is every character that identifies as ‘Male’ a birth-male?

You don’t know. That’s why this is such a pointless argument, because you do not know, and it does not affect you in the least what their birth sex is. What matters is the identity they share with you.

“Started as?” Not terminology I would use. Seeing as how “Body 1” and “Body 2” are just male and female respectfully in World of Warcraft, then male and female. Any more questions?

This may explain why you haven’t responded. Your attempt at stumping me failed miserably and now you quietly try to leave the conversation to return to your echo chamber.

It matters if I’m a chick on a swim team. But in game, not so much.

i am now expecting a bare chest or bra customization option for “body type 2” since females are being deleted and it no longer matters. also if the esrb complains then call them bigots. thank you.