⚠️ BoD Meta Mount is for Horde Only

but how.
how would a alliance retrain a full militarized army pterodax. Also, one more distincitive thing. they may have had a full out attack but they had no time to go rounding up new pet buddies.
It was a war zone. they legit came in with a handful of ships, blew stuff up and left. zero time to befriend a primal beast like a pterodax

Aight this is cute.

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Thats a shame, Im sure it will be fixed.

Dude… you pull a dragon out of 300+ you keep in your backpack and you’re asking how they had time to train an overgrown lizard after you serenaded a pot plant?

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what are you even talking about bud.
this isnt a random gecko… its a trained flying murder bird trained only using old zhandalari dialect.

. . . Why the funkwaggle would we need to use gnomish techno do dads just to ride a pterosaur? I consistently ride across Kul Tiras and zandalar on the back of a giant long necked dinosaur with a stable full of prehistoric creatures and not one of em has a hypno hat.

I mean, any old BM hunter can tame them. They’re just Exotic Pets. Direhorns though, now those are the ones that need the special taming book and all

I like that. I’m going to steal that. I feel my life has been missing something and now I know what it was.

flashes dinomancy tome

Ello there.

Right, but not the point. By “lousy idea”, I meant that if the mount has to be lore-sensitive then it also has to be something lore-friendly enough to be used on either faction as both factions are able to earn it. Whether or not it’s a lousy recolor of another mount is irrelevant. It’s a “lousy idea” for a Horde-exclusive mount to be obtainable by an Alliance character.

This is not a complex lore issue; it’s a simple fact that the mount is a reward for a meta-achievement able to be completed by both factions and therefore it should also be useable by both factions.

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" oh war is going on in the background, people dying. bombs going off, let me open this old dusty tome and see if i can train this burb effectively. " - bm hunter

2000x different. thats not a zhandalari armored bird used for attack missions. bread for air retaliations. trained with and only ancient trolls.

I mean, its more like “Oh hey, this is some horrible giant lava dog/abomination against nature/T-rex. I’m gonna tame it”. But yeah, Pterodax don’t need the Tome of Dinomancy. They’re just Exotics

its still a warrrrr zoneeeee.
how does someone tame when bombs are going off and arrows are going by.

I think its a bit of a reach though to say it isn’t friendly to both factions. They’re already in use on flight paths, they could quite conceivably be a part of the spoils of war and it’s not a horse. I don’t think the mount is terribly attractive, but I don’t see it as only for horde.

Yea no, the brutosaur’s saddle is very zandalari themed, and they seem to be the only ones that ride them. I doubt pterradax training is that much more difficult then oh say training a lion or a nightsaber to ride around on.

no, they cant be considered a spoil of war like a trinket is or a decrative sword. its a military trained beast.
how are they gana find time to grab that bird, hold it down, and then put it on a ship for transportation?

it is different. zhandalari beast masters are trained in ancient techniques to respect the loa paku and her children. then through selective process attempt to bond with those animals

Still doesn’t change the fact that the alliance has access to pterradax mounts via flight masters on zandalar, vol’dun In particular.

Also it could be very easy to train on if you start them off at a young age as I doubt pterradax as a whole have an genetic condition to only obey the zandalari. By that logic only zandalari and jungle troll hunters should be allowed to tame them along with any other dinosaur or prehistoric beast.

so, the alliance that are riding on the peterodax right now… are riding a infant new born hatched bird but is fully decked out in zhandalari armor?
Even the flight path trained ones still dont make sense. the armor makes it a bigger plot hole.

The armor is just blizzard not going the extra mile to make a custom saddle model just for a flight path.