⚠️ BoD Meta Mount is for Horde Only

They shoullld. thats my problem with this mount. its just lazynes!!!
Cant they make a distinctive mount that is new and fits in this raid?
its a reskin of our reputation mount. borderline insanity.

Could be worse, could be WoD with like 15 reskins of each mount.

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or that green terrible animation wolf mount from HFC.

I’m glad Horde doesn’t get a bajillion wolves like Alliance get a bajillion horses.

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My highly scientific search of my mount list, I have quite a lot more wolves than horses but surprisingly few of both. I play both sides but most of my mounts are most notable for being neither wolves nor horses.

My favourite mount at the moment would have to be the Baron’s charger based purely on how many years it took me to get it and it was the first mount I saw that wasn’t race restricted. It was a thing of majesty to see a troll flaunting his baron mount. Still, it’s a horse, maybe more boney than most, but it’s mine and the alliance on their anti-horse drive can pry it out of my cold dead hands.

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I really enjoy the Zandalari mount. And it seems to me it’ll be able to fly whenever that happens so even better! /clap

How many damn golden horses with armor or wings or both are there lol

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Hundreds of horses!

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I would rather have one that is dead and emanating void energy. The first one was fun to ride around on.

Sigh I dont even know why im surprised let alone still subbed at this point, Not that it really affects me, i cant even get into a raid group lol.

Effects**. Not Affects. Just throwing that out there.

Most of the devs play Horde so the issue is obvious what caused this.

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You people, expecting Blizzard to actually test if they can even SUMMON a mount on both factions before sending it live. Such entitlement!


If you’re going to be pedantic you should at least be correct.

“It doesn’t affect me” and “It does not have an effect on me.” Those are the two variations.


Well, I will give you a point. Context aside. :+1:

in simple terms: Affect is TO impact/change, Effect is the result OF a change.

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Who cares about E or A
in improper forum speech you should not correct people,
to do so is pretentious if you understood what they meant, if you did not understand what they said than its not pretentious.

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Yes sir! Salute

Sorry but I was always told if you understood the message then its counter productive to go back and “correct” it


While I too am looking forward to the bee mount with great excitement, please remember it wasn’t confirmed that it would be Alliance only. Our fearless leader (giggle) only implied that it would be. Don’t be shocked if it is actually open to both sides.



Seriously can do without another Dino mount of any kind.