I keep getting the following error:
“Windows - No Disk”
(X) Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 - Unexpected parameters
I cannot log in even though I had no problem a few minutes earlier. Some help would be appreciated this is getting annoying as it will not go away.
Windows - No Disk
Cancel, Try Again and Skip.
Click any of them and it pops up again, and again and again.
Background Information:
Edison in their usual bungling incompetence and inability to provide power reliably decided to flash the power on and off twice today, but I have a emergency power-pack set up to protect the computer from their antics after they fried my last one 8 years ago with the same crap.
For some reason the second time they flashed the power on and off my PC was shut down and the emergency Power did not work that time. While I am not sure what is going on but I tried reinstalling B.Net as this is the ONLY app messing up like this.
Mind you however, I seriously doubt the power outtage was the issue, because this exact same error also happened also one time when Blizzard forced the Battle.Net update through earlier today. It was not as antagonistic or troublesome to open however as a single “Try Again” was enough to dismiss the error then. This was before the power outage occurred.
Following a reinstall the error still happens. I am being prompted to put my pass-word in now. I will do so, but I want Blizzard to keep an eye on things as for a moment I saw THREE Battle-nets running at the same time. A part of me wonders if this isn’t some sort of janky new virus, though the other half of me wonders how I could of gotten such a thing since I only use this PC to play WoW.
Putting my login info in, Battle.net tries to connect and then I get the same BS error code again. This has to be something Blizzard did in today’s update. Everything else is working except Battle.net.
Task Manager shows I have 5 different Battle.Nets running now. 3 Have the Battle.net Logo. One is slightly different, and then a final one called Blizzard Update Agent shows the Icon [Blizz]. What the hell is going on here?
Would love to try and log in to the game, but apparently SMS Protect isn’t enough to let me bypass the Authenticator (which is dead, and which Blizzard no longer sells). The game works fine however and I was able to make it to the login-screen. This further reinforces my thoughts that it is NOT a issue on my PC’s end, and rather Blizzard’s end.
I am convinced this is not my PC’s fault now. After several attempts I was able to get back on B.Net and now magically everything is working, though Battle.net is begging to let me update ‘everything’ which I am suspending while I check my account out.
For how long this scenario will last, I have no idea but clearly something popped on Blizzard’s end in their update. Battle.net’s app upon a fresh install has a blank sheet icon instead of the usual working icon.
What convinces me that this is on Blizzard’s end is the fact that a faulty PC does not magically fix itself suddenly.
Now doing a log out from the game and B.Net to see if the issue is fixed.
Issue remains.
I have conducted all Windows Updates and am looking through my Drivers, but I see no issues on my side as of yet. Some form of dialogue with someone in Blizzard Tech who can assist would be greatly appreciated.
I suspect I could log into the game if I ignored B.Net entirely as it is that app and that app alone making this issue, but as before you do not allow SMS to serve as the authenticator I am unable to go further. You do not sell the Authenticator now and I am unsure how wise it is to remove my Authenticator in this scenario or how secure the mobile ones are.
Further Data:
As a few final side notes, if I uninstall Battle.Net and then reinstall it, then I only get 1 of the Exception Processing Messages. Upon putting in my Password and logging in, Battle.net ‘does’ work, albiet only the first load.
Subsequent loads cause the same infinitely repeating error message to come up. However I was able to break this load-cycle when I forced B.net to stop and shut down Agent.exe with the Task Manager, and then did a reload. At that point it went through without a single problem, which is the first time that has happened tonight.