BMAH is not for us normies is it?

saying i spend maybe a hr mass producing them while i use the rest room work waiting for a group etc. like its just using my time effiectly.

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go buy nightshade take it apart make missives :smiley: basically free gold.

Yep, EASILY over half the people who have that mount right now used their $1200.00 Stimmy checks when covid first started to buy it, there was even a massive thread on the forums where they bragged about it lmao.

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What do you think would happen if the token didn’t sell? People with demand a refund and blizzard would never do that.

As for where the proof is, I remember seeing that in the original notes when they added the token. The token is a large source of inflation. It makes the prices of things go way up because there is an abundance of gold.

I personally don’t like that the tokens in the game but as long as it exists, I will buy it Because it is a huge timesaver.

its hurting America and its citizens

from what i seen it stays on the AH until someone buys it which is why the price of them changes and they are going lower and lower

I somehow managed to snag the anniversary deathwing mount last year, so I guess I can’t complain.

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I promise you that after 12 hours it will sell no matter what. I’ll look for the original source when I’m home and not driving.

It’s Auction House Goblin endgame. No. It’s not meant for you. It’s there for people who enjoy farming millions of gold, or megawhales who spent hundreds on WoW tokens. It was never about appealing to casuals. We have the normal auction house for that. It was put into the game as a massive gold sink for people who enjoy farming gold. Nothing else.

I got the flag of ownership for 350k back in legion

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one hour PM for 2 mill would be about right
vs my time
but if it was only one hour then why would
anyone buy a token
sounds fishy

us. /13888#:~:text=It%20can%20take%20up%20to,Support%20to%20check%20the%20status.
nope they sell in the order they are received. so they require people to buy them with in game gold to hold value

It drains gold every 12 hours, dude. It’s not a ton, but it sheds gold from the accounts of the biggest earners on every server. If an item goes for gold cap that is 9.999,999 gold deleted from the server. BMAH is good for the health of the game. It should stay.

Most day it’s clutter that nobody bids on.

Yeah, and should be expanded on. I’m not saying that it should be removed.

Imagine if it were just a vendor with random items every day for crazy prices like millions each. That would be nice. Drain more gold and everyone can get what they want.


Precisely why I hope we get a Black Market Vendor. Something that doesn’t require people to be on at exact times of the day just to win an item.


Imagine the vendor selling naxx corrupted ashbringer for 9 mil lol

As someone similarly positioned in terms of finances, this is why I want the games I play to be impacted by IRL financial situation as little as possible. Anybody pulling a nice paycheck can just walk all over any other player who can’t or doesn’t want to burn cash on the game which feels terrible.

OP, there are an absolute ton of items, tmogs, and mounts you’re able to acquire without much effort. But you’re never going to be able to register any of these items or mount or w/e as “precious”

because anything a casual can get, everyone in the game can get

look at me, im a CE raider, i get the cool mount at the end of the raids. I also have a higher ilvl than everyone else. but im BROKE. ALL THE TIME. spending money on wow tokens to buy potions and enchants and armor kits. i aint got money and i never will. cant be asked to make money other than from sale runs, which i then blow on gambling

but i have no problem with rich mf’ers buyin up the biggest foofoo exquisite mounts in the game. theyve earned it for being millionares. ill even allow them to look down on me, being the poor that i am in WoW.

how is a casual ever going to be able to have exclusive items? how can a casual play gatekeeper and act smug towards others? if you dont have the ability to do that with SOMETHING than nothing you’ll be making threads like this forever.

if everyone has your stuff, and everyone will, then that stuff wont feel that valuable for you. tell me one way something in WoW will ever be “yours”

there are just some things a casual will never reach, things that arent designed to be for everyone. BMAH is one of these domains

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No, it’s not.

It is for the elite collectors.

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