BMAH is not for us normies is it?

i make most my gold off of mass producing vantus runes and selling them. its about finding something everyone needs and are cheapish to make.

I make most of my gold buying tokens. $100 for 700k to 1 mil gold.

Do you know how long it would take me to farm that? Waaaay longer than it takes me to make 100 bucks at work. A lot longer :joy:

It actually isn’t, yeah.

It’s there for people with tons of gold to throw at rare things.

weird i make that much in about a hr selling vantus runes. glad i make my own many and make that much gold in a hr :smiley:

Good for you, I have better things to do with my time than work a pretend job.

I mean, it shouldn’t have been removed in the first place.

They could’ve just left old Naxx in the plaguelands or whatever.

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It’s people that buy tokens or got really rich in the game during WoD and Legion and held onto their wealth.

Would’ve been cool if they made one for everybody

yeah spend 100 extra bucks to get gold lol. i enjoy selling stuff :stuck_out_tongue: so it isnt a job lol.

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You’re a salesman…That’s literally a job :laughing:

LoL and i enjoy selling things its not a job if i enjoy it. i like seeing the big gold piles come in after making something. plus you dont even play anyways (unless your hiding behind a unplay toon which your opinion stops mattering at that point just saying)
people enjoy different things and games have always had a form of grind to get gold :stuck_out_tongue:

You role play as a salesman in an mmorpg.

There’s nothing to be offended by. I’m just stating a fact. If that offends you, you must have some sort of personal hang up over it. :man_shrugging:

buy tokens., buy tokens., buy tokens.
buy tokens. buy tokens. buy tokens.
this is why everyone cant have good things
with buy tokens in the game

projecting much lol.

thing is tokens require people who have gold to buy them so people like me who pay for their sub via gold. which is why they keep dropping in price because so many people buy them but no many people buy them from the AH.
like i need one a month and i make probably 2 million a month. i even starting putting extra gold into the gbank to pay for peoples repair. gold isnt hard to make its just people who dont want to spend time making it want it easier.

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The token will sell after 12 hours regardless of if there is a buyer.

It’s guaranteed 100% to sell.

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your time is not worth much
if you think 2 million a month
is worth the time
sub is chump change vs my time

source? because it doesnt work that way.

Us poor folk have no place.

It’s like the housing market right now. Unless you’re loaded, you’re more than welcome to put in a bid… you just won’t win.