BMAH is not for us normies is it?

Title says it all. I guess unless I have millions in gold and sit and wait on the auction house on what I can assume is a different account I don’t stand much of a chance. Are there sniping addons or something? I just don’t understand how its supposed to work for everyone.
I mean if only the wealthy and what I can assume are no lifers play the house then…meh.


I mean, it doesn’t. It’s a place where you bid gold against other players for rare stuff. It’s possible to luck out and get something for super cheap, though.

Oh, you’re kind of sketchy. Also no, the auction durations are extended, so you can’t “snipe” them unless you mean looking for low priced thing son dead servers but there’s plenty of people doing that.


You are correct. If you don’t have the gold required to win auctions…you can’t use the BMAH.

That is the general idea of all auctions


it’s pretty simple imo…if someone wants the item really badly, they’ll just mass wow tokens.

has nothing to do with a no lifer or having in-game wealth imo. Just a pay to win system for certain items :100:


Lol I dont want the addon I was just wondering if there was actually that kinda thing.

I mean normies can do BMAH, just buy tokens. Or learn to play the auction house.

But ya, even with the normal AH you’re going be walled out without gold. Kinda needed to buy things.

(I will agree not being able to just pay a buyout sucks though).


OP, please support this:

BMAH is a disgrace they just know it’s the only way to deflate gold.

The problems with BMAH are far deeper than just the amount of gold someone has.

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Hm? No, that’d be stuff like repairs/transmog then crafting mats only available from vendors for and whatever. 99% of people don’t touch the bmah, and the bmah only drains a bit of gold every now and again.

It’s to

  1. deflate gold because it’s value has turned crap
  2. catch tons of paid server transfer $$$
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It’s a gold sink for people with too much gold. There are some people with so much gold and they don’t have anything left to buy. The BMAH is for them.

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Yes it is. They tried with longbois until they realized it would depopulate cities. It is absolutely to raise the value of gold.

BMAH isn’t supposed to be for everyone, it’s kind of made for those whales with gold sitting in the back room bidding on some exotic rare items [not literally, just painting a picture] lol

Those were just token bait.

Have a read at the topic I posted a few posts ago to find out what I mean by “the problem is far deeper than gold making”.

So is the BMAH

its a way to remove large amounts of gold from the economy. so no not for us

BMAH predates tokens by quite a bit.

There’s nothing else to really spend it on.

IMO BMAH combined with tokens makes rare cosmetics into cash shop items with just enough ambiguity to argue somewhat effectively that their not.

It’s a gold sink for players with too much gold.
If you don’t have the gold, you can’t buy the gold sink.

I do like that BMAH has no power tied to it.
I don’t like that items removed from the game that are somewhat prestigious to have are available on there.

Either way it’s not going away any time soon.

It would be nice to have more lower prestige items on there available to the common man who isn’t a goblin, but then the goblin’s would just buy them up.