BM So Bad it's a MDI Meme Spec

Just suck it up and play MM or Survival, babe. BM has its place but it isn’t in M+.

Last place is a place.

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Wonder who’s idea it was the make the most popular and most-played class in the game to also be the laughably weakest.

Are they allergic to money?

Those hunters aren’t gonna re-roll and go through Shadowlands again, lol. Grinding ZM rep, waiting to get the tier bonuses, and so on, all over again, on a new character.

They’re gonna find another game. :slight_smile:


It’s literally the best Hunter spec on Halondrus which is one of the hardest bosses in the raid.

The most mobile ranged spec in the game by a HUGE margin, which also has an extremely low skill requirement to play very well, has absolutely no business being anywhere near the top.

Survival is literally the best M+ spec right now, or at least 2nd to Destro, and is AMAZING in raid. MM is also amazing in raid right now.

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Yes, but most hunter players play BM.

MM is nice but kinda sucks in terms of how it feels to play, and Survival is melee, in game chock full of melee.

BM also has access to the most ‘fun’ stuff out of ANY class, big surprise it’s so popular.

Blizzard, the fun police, had them in their targets.


A spec shouldn’t be good just because a lot of people play it.

If that’s your rationale for something being good, Feral/WW/Enhancement/Survival should literally never be allowed to be viable ever again.


Well, that’s the rationale behind making BM so bad?

There really isn’t one, lol. It’s all arbitrary from Blizzard’s own butt.

Why are any of the top specs at the top? Do they deserve it?

By your logic, only the uber-rare specs should be at the top.

Popular? BAM, you do little dps now.

Dreadsurge approved.


Just pulled 6k overall with, 240 gear, 229 weapon, one leggo, no tier, 57 renown, and no idea what I’m doing.

Except, well, BM isn’t actually bad. It’s being played frequently on even fights like Halondrus and Jailer (the third-hardest and hardest bosses of the entire tier), even by top 20 guilds.

Specs like Feral have extremely low representation at this level, and usually Survival has sub-100 logs on a final boss by the end of a raid tier. BM doesn’t need to be amazing at everything to be brought because it is literally the most mobile spec in the game.

Not amazing, but better than it currently is, no?

I’m not asking for them to be top on everything, but at least competitive.

Buff BM, and buff the other specs to compensate or something. Nerf their mobility or some crap.

Again, no reason for it to be as bad as it is.

Same goes for Feral and those other specs.

Blizzard should make them all perform closer to each other, instead of whatever we have now.

Games need balance between classes/characters, no matter how difficult.

Fairness is fairness. Or should BM hunters be punished?

There is no need for it, at all.


Except they are. They are literally being brought to some of the hardest bosses this tier. If BM Hunters were that bad, they would NEVER be brought to any of these fights.


I watched a video from MDI where the commentators were laughing at a BM hunter in Mythic+.

It’s a known meme spec, and I’m sure you could replace them with something else and do better.

Also “low skill requirement” lmao, like any of WoW’s classes are that hard to play.

BM might be a few button presses less, but that’s no reason to drag them through the mud.

Ideally, there should be no “meme” specs.


The only spec that should have a real gripe is affliction warlock.

If you play a class and not a spec, you’d be much more happy.

BM is literally fine in all content.

People misuse classes and thats their problem.

People look at meters and thats another problem.

As a rogue, I do 13k overall. Other classes can blow my doors off in a m+. But I do valuable damage. If people cant tell the difference between valuable damage and aoe numbers, that’s their problem.

Feral could literally replace rogue minus shroud.

BM could replace rogue minus shroud and a short kick CD.

This is all from the perspective of 15s. In live, people do not pull the same number of mobs that MDI teams do. You will never see those types of numbers in a pug 15. BM in a normal pug 15 is much more valuable than a survival hunter. Seen it, experienced it, lived it.

Your issue is uncapped aoe and meters, not BM hunter value in keys.

Player issue is not forming proper groups also. You won’t fair easily with a destro warlock, survival hunter and any other primary aoe spec in a group together on tyrannical UNLESS you’re pulling mobs into the boss to supply shards to the lock.


And? BM’s specialty is not constant AoE. It generally hasn’t been apart from when BM had Rapid Reload+Skitra Bow in 8.3, and that spec was one of three egregiously broken specs that tier, albeit a distant third behind Fire Mage in all content and Destro in raid. If you want burst AoE, both Survival and Marksmanship are far superior.

It’s like saying Demonology sucks because it doesn’t have super high spread cleave when the spec is better than Destro at single-target (even though Destro is LAUGHABLY broken in all departments outside of single-target), especially on fights with extremely high movement like Halondrus) and extremely high AoE in its own right, or that Arcane sucks because Fire and Frost are used on more fights even though it’s incredibly good on Anduin and has its place on fights like Xy’mox and even Lords of Dread. BM has its place on specific hard bosses this tier; it doesn’t need to do a ton of AoE like MM and Survival do. You are trolling if you play BM in very high keys simply because Survival and MM are strictly superior in all possible ways in that context, hence why the commentators and the folks who do +25s and higher consider BM a meme spec.

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Thats ok, wait till the next big buff/nerf wave and BM will be on top and some other class will take its place.

Hasnt this game always been that way. (Well, maybe except for Feral. Its day to shine is way overdue.)

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People don’t understand good or bad because they misuse specs. 3 BM hunters would be much better than 3 survival hunters in any 15 key being pugged. And it’s not even debatable.

Execution is a binary, you’re either hitting your interrupts, doing the mechanics and other responsibilities or you’re not. And that is across the board for all specs.

People look at meters because damage is the single most important utility when doing content. And unlike other utility and responsibilities it’s the one that’s not a binary.


Does anyone else think about Ragemode whenever they see a BM thread? :laughing:

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Back when I played BM, in Legion, before the AoE cap was added, it WAS the hunter AoE spec. Why’d they change it?

Stomp, multi-shot, frenzy, repeat.

And MM was the crazy single-target dps spec. Now MM is BETTER at BOTH single target and AoE?

Mobility doesn’t mean much when most fights don’t even care about that.

What the hell, what kind of balance is that?!

And sure, I’m a troll just because I want BM to be viable in more than two meme raid fights and Mythic+

And people wonder why the WoW community sucks so bad.

It’s because folks like you, gatekeeping for no literal reason other than “that’s just the way things are.”

Lol, alright.

It’s sad to see any class at the bottom, and it should not always be musical chairs of who’s weak and who’s strong.

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BM hunters when they realize that 1 of 3 specs are bad and that all they have to do is hit the change spec button

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