BM So Bad it's a MDI Meme Spec

i cant wait in 2 more weeks ill have my 4 piece i just pvp and spam bgs im excited.

I always loved the “bring the player, not the class” line. Yea, you can be that player, but you need to play the meta CLASS otherwise they will get someone else who plays the CLASS that is best.


When the player who optimizes their class for max potential loses in damage to the player who just picked up that class today.


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Lol. Another thread about crying that BM is bad. BM has been good for a really long time. At least you have the luxury of having TWO DPS specs to fall back on. Most classes don’t even have one.

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BM was really good at end of BfA because of broken Azerite powers.

That was a looooong time ago.


Good, let them laugh. MDI is garbage and pidgeonholdes the community into false beliefs and rigid unecessary restrictions


All I see in this MDI are rogues, warlocks, and survival hunters. An occasional MM hunter and maybe one single fire mage. Great balancing if you ask me I think Blizzard has done a stupendous job /s


WTF that feral dont know how play lol, in the first pull in De Other Side you can push 20k in aoe with the 4 tier without problems but this one just do 2k hahaha

The playstyle of the MDI has no relevance to playing actual keys that it’s always hilarious to me when people bring it up.

Nobody cares about speed running low keys on live. There is no point or metric for it.


It was really good during MoP, too.

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Literally the only classes that haven’t shown up in a serious comp (at least so far as I’ve seen) so far are druids and warriors. 10/12 being represented is not balanced?

My BM has been parked most of the expac

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I love when BM is the worst hunter spec, because I think I’d have more fun repainting my house than playing it.

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Memes are a hunter weapon


“I think they’re just having fun now :)” or something to that degree.

It’s not.
It’s good in PvP, Survival is the strongest in all content (MM I think matches it in raid if not overtakes it now, though). MM in PvP is bursty and can flatten unprepared people through a pillar. BM shares its one or two niches with the other two.

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What this has taught us? When you can’t win anyway, bring a BM Hunter. They like to help and it can’t hurt.

They kinda like your little brother. You let him hold a controller and they think they are helping, but the battery has been dead for a year and you just don’t tell him.

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ima still play bm cuz i like having a puppy and another pet and summoning t rexes and no one can stop me. I also play necro cuz i like splody death chakram. FITE ME.

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If you only play what some wanna be esports is telling you to play, I feel sorry for you.


I love how they nerfed things like Feral in the PTR, Guardian druid only a couple weeks into the season and then NOTHING, no balancing patches to bring druid back up along with the other terrible specs, and they do nothing to the OP specs that are doing more damage than the specs that got nerfed


Just switch specs is never an acceptable answer. Each spec is basically its own mini class with totally different playstyles. Telling someone to switch specs is you telling them you don’t care if they enjoy playing the game. Its a toxic stance to take.