BM is still awful

not sure what to tell you buddy sorry. you simply dont understand what a caster meta is, or interpret the numbers to know that casters and melee are both are the same. but the two top casters gap everyone by a large %. hopefully thats enough information for you to figure it out. if its not, not my problem.

Does it truly matter what the top .01% are doing? Is that where we should go to see game balance?

For the top, 22.5 melee, 15.8 caster. Numbers, Swole. Do you know what they mean? Even if you add up the numbers for the entire ladder, it’s melee that comes out on top %.

i honestly dont think you do buddy.

you added about 7 melee specs, and then 2 caster specs. lol. can’t help you figure it out if thats what you do.

Yeah, going from what’s top. That’s how stats work. Even the entire ladder again, melee better than caster.

Idk every time you try to math you flop, might be better to stop trying

Can you even count ret as melee in the rankings? They’re more like a close ranged battle wizard with how much they can pump without being in physical melee range.

I do agree with the op though, I love my MM hunter but it’s a miserable experience in arenas if the enemy team is paying half attention. Especially as lone wolf marksman your damage goes to almost nothing when melee is in your face (which is almost always) unless you get a lucky lock and load and chakram is up. Even worse if it’s a DK because of the double grip.

Although doing meme comps with mm/bm or mm/surv is pretty fun in 2s. Either someone dies on the opener or you run around throwing traps and camouflageing until deep dampening.

so what youre telling me is that what you count whats at the top. even if the difference between some of the specs are .1%? insane you actually think you have a clue of what youre saying.

Is Barfbishop and Swole having their first fight? We about to witness a breakup?



If that’s actually arf there’s been a drastic change in medication between worgens

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bm hunter is on the list of specs that benefit the game from never being viable.

other specs include, but not limited to fury, outlaw, augvoker, every tank spec, prob demo because pet spec cringe


I would put BM in the solid “average” B tier.

Hopefully mages get more meta and we can feed on them.


I don’t think you realise BM actually pumps damage but details is bugged so it never shows BM high.

It’s been bugged all of dragonflight and when you can literally, sit behind a pillar whilst your pets obliterate someone, the spec doesn’t have a high skill roof does it?

play survival :japanese_ogre:


My opinion is to reintroduce craven strategem.

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when bm hunter says they arent doing very well


You’re about 20 item levels below many of the players now in DF who you are up against. That is likely part of the problem. Oh hey OP I have a toon in your guild btw.

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What do you mean I’m 449 pvp ilvl.

Why do I keep seeing people say this about other players who are obviously 449-450 pvp ilev

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It has to do with the armory and blizzards api. If you look at my crafted ring on the armory, it doesn’t (or didn’t) show the pvp item level, even though it’s definitely on there. Simultaneously, some of the various tools used to “look up” players are not accurate. My best guess is that the same bug that’s causing the armory to not show various crafted items’ pvp item level is impacting the api that the third party services use to look a player up for you.