BM is still awful

Surv can get up to 2nd best now for some areas in PvP. All else is B tier, so above C and D.

The PvP win rates for BMs is A tier which still places them above Rets which I main in retail that are still only B for win rates.

I implied it was a skill issue. BMs suck and cannot obtain victories in PvP?

Statistic - Character (

BMs actually can obtain victories in PvP. Skill Issue. I have been ret since WoW began and have never once switched specs ever and also have been fury war as well just as long and sub for rogue. None have ever switched out of their specs, all of which suck way worse than BMs do by a long shot.

survival da spec for real ones


If that person is anything like me then they pick a spec and stick to it because that is what they like the most. I play fury even if it was a negative F tier and same with the ret which I rarely switch over to Holy in but all else I pick one spec and never switch out of it. I play my spec whether or not it is viable. I will say that my spec is too weak or too strong in the forums but never have once ever asked for a buff or a nerf to anything ever. See the BM I linked with a 94% win rate with over 200 games played and then tell me that it is awful and cannot do any damage in PvP.

i agree buff survival dmg and defensive

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I only ever play BM hunts. Survs wreck my rogueā€¦ oh.

I agree blood dk needs another round of buffs.

Not needed but nice try

def need, more than ev

Okay you got me. Bm does need more. More gutting. More nerfs. Just all around pruned from viability.
Surv should be the hunter pvp spec. Can respect surv hunters.

A lot of people who primarily play hunter would be completely fine with them removing BM in favor of making marks and SV premier pvp specs that get a lot of attention and fine tuning. I am one of them. This version of BM is also still not the version that you feel cool on the forums meming about. Itā€™s not 2013 any more.


I personally donā€™t thing ever playing it was cool lol

No, it became a forum meme in wotlk when beast cleave became a popular comp to run. Any time it was good from wotlk->legion, it always hinged off of huge pet damage that you could use out of los and infinite range, mechanics like stampede and powershot, separation anxiety, etc.

For as much as people nostalgize ranged survival, if you hate playing against current BM, ranged survival was pretty much the same spec as current BM in terms of damage profile. Heavy consistent (instant) ranged damage that you could pull off while 100% mobile, with everything just requiring LoS. Current BM is pretty much a single target version of that. You canā€™t barbed, kill command, cober from los. Pets will follow you, but regular pet melee is not any more or less damage than other regular bleeds/dots that also follow you around LoS, and you canā€™t root/fear bleeds and dots. Current demo pet does like 5x hunter pet damage when itā€™s by itself smacking you behind a pillar. Survival hunter had lots of dots on you when you LoSā€™ed it.