BM Hunter's New Legendary

I’m assuming that was directed at Sivrith, the post immediately above yours, and the #showtooltip Tar Trap line. Yes, that does work. In fact, you can even add conditionals to it (ex. #showtooltip [harm] Purge; Cleanse Spirit). However, putting anything at all on that line is usually unnecessary, since a naked #showtooltip line will simply display the icon and tooltip for whatever it would cast. You only need to put stuff there if you’re doing some more advanced macros.

This can be compressed, btw, into:

/cast [mod:shift,@cursor] Tar Trap; Kill Command

Oh, yeah, there’s so many reply buttons on these forums it makes my head spin.

I couldn’t find anything that would allow me to do an else statement, thanks for the tip!

Edit: Do you know if it’s possible to do for this one?

/use [mod:shift] Overcharged Anima Battery
/cast [mod:ctrl] Aspect of the Wild
/cast [mod:alt] Aspect of the Wild
/cast [nomod] Aspect of the Wild

Ya, there’s no explicit else. Each cast line functions more or less as a switch statement (or select, depending on the language). It compares conditions from left to right, with semi-colons denoting the next case.

Brackets placed one after another are essentially an OR statement. A statement after a semi-colon is essentially an else or an else if, depending on whether it has conditions as well.

Should be able to, though again, you can compress it.

Even with suboptimal use it’s still better

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@Kaskami I’m not certain that’s true. There are different levels of ‘suboptimal’ use – such as throwing your flare too early, before the tar trap has been tripped. A tank that moves the adds immediately out of the tar trap, before the flare effect is activated – missing the second flare because the adds moved, etc.

There are many variables taken into the sims that run perfect uptime on the legendary.

It’s clunky and I don’t enjoy it but I have got it down to where I don’t miss much at all. I also don’t use the macro so I don’t fire a flare to fast b4 the trap is tripped. Going thru a whole mythic dungeon or raid you will miss some but the total damage output will still be better than any other legendary played perfectly

@ everyone in here using macros for this legendary -

Take a look at this thread:
Macros: Essential Information
Covers basic macro construction, conditionals, basic sequences, what macros can/can’t do, and a whole bunch more. Highly recommend you check it out.

There is also a thread on that subforum by @Elvenbane with a large number of sample macros for all classes to get you started if you don’t want to learn how to make your own (though you should, it’s very versatile and super easy).

I almost agree. I do not min/max Soulforge embers at all in dungeons, and it still ends up being about 13% (on average - some dungeons have more AoE than others). of my total damage done. This is usually my highest, or second highest damaging ability, and I NEVER double cast Flare into a single Tar Trap.

Now, due to my limited testing, I have no way to tell if Rylakstalker’s 20% crit bonus would equal that damage, but it seems somewhat unlikely. If you do try to min/max with it, and have a tank that is working with you to ensure you can toss two flares into a tar trap more often than not, I think that’s when it takes a drastic turn towards the better.

It seems like many people talking about the pros and cons of Soulforge Embers vs Rylakstalker’s, really DON’T want to use SE, as some have expressed how “clunky” it feels to cast and attempt to maintain.

To that, I believe the answer is, if you don’t want to mess with SE, just go Rylakstalker’s. Just change your stat priority to Crit > Haste, and hope you went Kyrian (30% crit chance bonus and 350 mastery for 10 and 16 seconds respectively every 60 seconds).

Ya, the issue with that is that RPF is still quite heavily behind SE. SE is ~7% in ST, and ~12% in Dungeon Slice, while RPF is ~3% and ~4%, respectively. RPF would need to be more than doubled in order to compete with SE.

It’s also worth noting that, amongst all of the DPS specs out there, BM has some of the worst legendaries available. SE is actually relatively in-line with other legendaries (most specs’ BIS leggo is between an 8% and 12% increase, with a few pushing towards 15%), but RPF is just bad.

Looking only at spec-specific legendaries, the only spec whose highest spec-specific legendary has a lower benefit (according to HeroDamage, single target, pre-raid gear level) than RPF’s 2.77% (or even Dire Command’s 3.3%) is Arms, whose Unhinged is only 1.42% (and that’s their best leggo…oof)

They need to minimum double the benefit of RPF.


Pet damage was nerfed b4 sl dropped essentially nerfing rylaks. Beast cleave can’t crit and is only 75% of your pets basic attack. You would need like 50% crit to make rylaks competitive.

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I mean, that part makes sense, since it’s 75% of the damage of the triggering attack. If the cleave portion could also crit, that would cause it to effectively double-dip on crit (main attack can crit, and then cleaved portion, based on that crit damage, crits again).

However, it is worth noting that when I simmed it last week, just swapping to Kyrian boosted the benefit of RPF by like 50% (ie. ~3% -> ~4.5%)

Again if pets were not nerfed then rylaks would be close. I like to do the most dps possible so I have to run SFE and night fae. Heck I don’t even like how Kyrian and NF abilities are targeted. Why can’t they be cast on target.


Not really. RPF is simply undertuned. It doesn’t really matter where pets are balanced at, since RPF is all relative to it anyway. Besides, that was less a nerf and more a fix.

If you’re not using an [@cursor] macro, I highly recommend one. You still have to point your mouse where you want them to go, but it’s at least a single button press, rather than button key -> click ground. Same goes for any ground-target effect, incidentally (ex. Tar Trap and Flare).

I have a cursor macro it still sucks. Before the nerf your pets abilities did top damage and your abilities didn’t even tickle. It’s BM it’s a pet spec that’s the appeal of the spec. Kill command hits like a limp noodle.

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Part of that is simply lower secondary stats. Even though mastery wasn’t a stack stat for BM, we definitely had more at the end of BfA than in SL. Also, Kill Command doesn’t scale with weapon DPS, so that definitely hurts it.

Still, pets remain about 2/3rds of BM’s damage. The hunter-sourced abilities actually dealing noteworthy damage was actually a bit of an ask by many hunters, since BM in BfA mostly just felt like you were there as a butler for your pets.

Actually majority of bm hunters asked for better pet pathing and ai. BM has always been a spec were your pet does the damage even since vanilla

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You say that as if the two are mutually exclusive.

You have abilities that do worthwhile damage it’s called MM spec

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It was a Legion ask, not BfA, and the ask was for there to be abilities the Hunter actually used, rather than just yelling at the pet. Which is why we got Barbed Shot in place of Dire Frenzy in BfA.