BM Hunter's New Legendary

why make it this hard I mean it’s cool but why not have blizzard make it in a single ability so make it easier to use and i think it is kind of buggy you have to attack then you can apply the tar trap then flare


It’s very easy to use with @cursor cast sequence. Just point at the feet of a mob and NP. I use it and then throw down the Kyrian ability and GG. Binding shot helps out as well.

it does not work all the time. i am telling you i throw it at there feet then throw the flare at it but i am sure it is buged sometime i dont even see Damage on details then sometimes i do they need to fix it for sure and stop Nerfing BM if anything Nerf MM pvp you kill people in one hit

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This ^^^^

Rylakstalkers + Kyrian…that’s the way I’m going on my hunter.

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I think some of you just rather have one lazy spec with zero engagement. It’s not difficult to maintain a trap and flare on a target. Especially on BM where your rotation on bosses comes down to three buttons

When soloing, sure.

In a dungeon, where the tank is dragging mobs wherever they think will be the best spot to tank them, you don’t have full control over it. You could throw a trap and have the tank move the mobs while the trap is travelling, so it never fires. You could have a bunch of mobs in a trap and a BDK mass grip them out before you can cast the Flare. Bosses have weird hitboxes sometimes such that throwing the trap under the right foot will trigger it, but throwing it under the left foot won’t.


It’s just a dodgy version of the old explosive trap, why we couldn’t get that back is beyond me.


Do you really think that the BIS legendary for BM should revolve around TRAPS??

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of Beast Masters? Is it TRAPS??



Nobody said anything about lazy. It’s clunky and unfun


throwing a Tar Trap and flare is great idea but it is BUGed it dose not work all the time we got Nerfed on top of all this so BM is Last on DPS from all hunters spec like please fix this survival Hunter dose better DPS then BM now since of the Nerf Sim you will see

Its super clunky. I got it last night and have done some runs with it today… and maybe 20% of the time the tank leaves the mobs in the trap to get the dmg. Its also two globals just to the set the thing up. I am thinking I will replace it with something else soon. Just seems more of a pain than it is worth.

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I said nothing about whether the trap should be BM’s BIS, just that it does work on boss targets. I was merely clarifying that snare immunity doesn’t make a target immune to the DoT.

It’s a trap.

Jokes aside I really feel this is a case of theoretical versus reality. Perfect play isn’t based solely on your play. Every raid boss mechanic to every m+ tank will determine whether or not it gets full use. It’s not completely within your control. With such a small difference between it and Rhylak’s I personally won’t be going it.

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If your having fun sure but if your min maxing and doing high mythic Keys even with sub optimal use it’s way above rylaks

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This is the problem. Right now it sim’s so much higher than Rylaks. There are times when I get almost perfect use out of SFE in Mythic’s that it is close to the top of my damage meter.

Truthfully I just want one of the BM ones to BIS for a BM hunter, and not a general one for all hunters.


I agree 100%

Assuming perfect play, including things outside of your control, such as add placement.

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As others have stated, its a really bad idea to macro these two together. At first I had them together, then found that if I was just slightly too far away the Flare would go off before the Tar Trap would have time to travel, and deploy on the target.

Best to make two seperate macros, something like this:

/showtooltip Tar Trap
/cast [@cursor] Tar Trap

/showtooltip Flare
/cast [@cursor] Flare

BM has holes in it’s natural rotation, this is where you want to use these. Sometimes you will fire off a Tar Trap, then Kill Command, then Flare to keep your normal rotation going.

Also please keep in mind that once the mobs are affected by the SoulForge Embers DoT, they can leave the tar trap area and the DoT will continue to tick. This is nice, but a double edged sword, as when new enemies move INTO the Tar Trap, they will NOT get the DoT applied, even if the Flare is still active over the trap.

I don’t think that way of showing tooltip works? Does it? At any rate, I use mod keys for mine. It gets easier to use after a few dungeons.

/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Tar Trap
/cast [mod:ctrl] Kill Command
/cast [mod:alt] Kill Command
/cast [nomod] Kill Command

/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Flare
/cast [mod:ctrl] Cobra Shot
/cast [mod:alt] Cobra Shot
/cast [nomod] Cobra Shot

I will definitely agree, there is no simple macro for this - especially a cast sequence or whatever meme people are trying to put out there. Put it on a @cursor macro and get a weakaura to track your timers. It’s really not that bad.

Well, not to mention that making a /castsequence macro for this, which is totally possible, requires another keybind in addition to the two utility functions that you should already have keybound. That’s sloppy. I think the best usage is to cast tar trap – then have some type of weakaura pop up when tar trap triggers, and if flare is off cooldown, to then tell you to cast flare.